The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Blavatsky Lodge

By Blavatsky Lodge

Raja Yoga - Online Course

By Enquiries

RAJA YOGA - 20 session Online Course

This live online course will explore Wallace Slater’s book A Simplified Course of Raja Yoga, which follows the Yoga Sutras or Aphorisms of Patanjali.

There are eight steps, stages, or subdivisions: self-restraint (yama), self-discipline (niyama), posture (āsana), control of breath (prānayāma), control of the sense (pratyāhāra), concentration (dhāranā), meditation (dhyāna) and contemplation (samādhi).
We will thoroughly explore each step, with time for discussion and practice.

This is an ongoing course that you can join at any time. Attendance at all sessions is not required.
Dates: The 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month (ends 22 November 2024)

Raja Yoga Zoom Link: Please click HERE to join the Course Sessions and enter the Zoom meeting ID and passcode below.
Raja Yoga Course Meeting ID: 810 6979 3328
Raja Yoga Course Passcode: 767604

The course consists of 20 online sessions. Each month will be dedicated to one lesson from Slater’s book, which is freely available online.
February: Introduction and Lesson 1
March: Lesson 2
April: Lesson 3
May: Lesson 4
June: Lesson 5
July: Lesson 6
August: Lesson 7
September: Lesson 8
October: Lesson 9
November: Lesson 10 and looking at your future practice

The lessons will be supported by drop-in online meditations starting on Sunday 11 February.
Time: 8:30 am - 8:45 am
Dates: Every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (none on Saturday).

The themes for each day are:
Sunday - self-restraint
Monday - self-discipline
Tuesday - control of senses
Wednesday - concentration
Thursday - meditation
Friday - contemplation

Online Meditations Link: Please click HERE to join the Online Meditations and enter the Zoom meeting ID and passcode below.
Online Meditation Meeting ID: 841 6851 3485
Online Meditation Passcode: 003655

Wendy has been a member of the Theosophical Society for 59 years, joining while a teenager in New Zealand. She has long been fascinated by the writings of the Masters, of Blavatsky, Besant, Leadbeater, and Taimni; and was a student of Geoffrey Hodson during the latter part of his life.


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