The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Blavatsky Lodge

Gosford Group

Meets 2nd Tuesday of each month 8.00pm to 10.00pm February to november

All welcome to our small & friendly group Meetings held at: Narara Community Centre, 2 Pandala Road, Narara, NSW, 2250
Donation: $5
(light supper after talks). -- click the Download button to save.

2025 Programme

Tuesday 11th February
Pete Twohig, Author, homeopath, philosopher, and autistic advocate 
Psychic healing: how to use it for yourself and for others.
There have been a lot of misconceptions about psychic healing, but it’s something we have all done without realising it. Peter will give you tips for developing a style and improving it.

Tuesday 11th March
Chris Challis, Astrologer & University of the third Age lecturer
Starseeds Part 3: Crystal, Indigo and Rainbow children
Crystal Children, after 2001: peacemakers, often autistic. Indigo Children, before 1970’s: great empathy, indigo blue aura. Rainbow Children, around 2000: new to earth, no karma, service to mankind.

Tuesday 8th April
Mariette Blackmore, Retired Scientist, NLP Practitioner
Kabbalah—The Fountainhead of Wisdom
A long-lost wisdom that reveals & unifies the spiritual and physical laws of life. Its mystical teachings have influenced the world’s most brilliant spiritual, philosophical, religious & scientific minds.

Tuesday 13th May
Nat Dodin, Orgone Effects Aust, Affiliate & Stand Manager
EMF’d! Electromagnetic radiation / 5G
Electromagnetic radiation / 5G is engulfing us in a form of electronic pollution, new research reveals. Related serious health conditions are prevalent. Is using your phones / devices worth the risk? We can neutralise the risk; create a 'healthy home / healthy life'.

Tuesday 10th June
Gerard Brennan, TS NSW & ACT State Representative
Sacred Places & Inner Spaces: The Longest Journey to the Nearest Place
A journey to Sacred Places around the world, strive to reawaken those Inner Spaces where we encounter the spiritual. The destination may be far closer than we could ever imagine.

Tuesday 8th July
Simon O’Rourke, TS member of 30 years. Education Co-ordinator for TS Society
The Key to Contemplation — The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
The concept “Yoga is the inhibition of the modifications of the mind” is an important principle of Raja Yoga. But what is meditation? Action, devotion, or mindfulness, or something more than this? And what are the dangers?

Tuesday 12th August
Keith Howes, TS Researcher, Experienced TS speaker
Madame Blavatsky Returns! The Implications for the TS — and the World!
If Helena Blavatsky, TS’s dynamic co-founder, suddenly returned, what would her impact be on the world in 2025. Take the ultimate trip of future potentials of time and space.

Tuesday 9th September
Joanne Cho, Permaculture Designer, Organic grower & supplier
A Food Forest — if you can conceive, you can achieve.
Joanne will reveal her journey creating a food forest & the myriads of benefits it has & will bring to the community.

Tuesday 14th October
Alan TurveyHypnotherapist
Divine Altered States:
Looking at the intersection of hypnosis and the gamut of religions from tribal dance to Pentecostal revivals.

Tuesday 11th November
Stephen McDonald, National President of The Theosophical Society
Awakening the Inner Self: Theosophy as a Path to Transformation
Explores the intersection of practical Theosophy & personal growth, offering tools & insights for transformative living via ancient wisdom.

Tuesday 9th December
AGM and discussion. AGM & End of Year celebrations
Also, planning for 2026 talks — topics wish list.

Information:  Pamela: 0415 288 873      Email: [email protected]
Secretary/Treasurer:  Roni: (02) 4358 1413

Please Note: Most meetings will also be on Zoom - registration for online meetings: click this link

The Three Objects of The Theosophical Society:

  1. To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or colour.
  2. To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy and science.
  3. To investigate the unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in the human being.


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