The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Blavatsky Lodge

All entries

The Theosophist"An Alluring promise" (of "HX")BJPy1882v4-Decemberp77
The TheosophistThe 7th Anniversary of the Theosophical Societyanony1882v4-Decemberp78
Psychic Notesfiller (Napoleon)anony1882v5i5Feb 24+p3
Psychic NotesAt a seance held recently in the rooms of Mr JG MeugensOB Frothinghamy1882v5i5Feb 24+p3
Psychic NotesfillerEpes Sargenty1882v5i5Feb 24+p3
Psychic NotesThe Colootolah Spiritual Society (Babu Priya Lal Mallik, Eglinton)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v5i5Feb 24+p3
Psychic NotesPsychic Phenomena at Ranchi, Chutia, NagputProf JR Buchanany1882v5i5Feb 24+p3
Psychic NotesNote - 2 Business Notices - subscribersvariousy1882v5i5Feb 24+p3
Psychic NotesAt a séance held recently in the rooms of Mr JG MeugensOB Frothinghamy1882v5i5Feb 24+p3
Psychic Notesadvertisementsvariousy1882v5i5Feb 24+p4
Psychic NotesCandour (How is it that truly candid minds are rare?)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v5i5Feb 24p33
Psychic NotesMoral Courage (This virtue seems rarer than physical courage ... strange)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v5i5Feb 24p33
Psychic NotesLtte - I have no hesitation in attesting the fact that the handwriting of this letter ...Marc Meugensy1882v5i5Feb 24p34
Psychic NotesTransmission of a Letter from London to Calcutta(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v5i5Feb 24p34
Psychic Notesletter - (something odd occurred yesterday!)Arthur.y1882v5i5Feb 24p34
Psychic Notes(the letter - from Arthur C to JG Meugens)(Arthur C)y1882v5i5Feb 24p34
Psychic NotesSéances in Calcutta (4) (a séance was held at Mr Leitch's ... Gordon, Eglinton, Wells, Andrews, Edmonds)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v5i5Feb 24p35
Psychic NotesA Clergyman's Testimony (In a late number of the Rock, the Rev GW Weldon writes ...)MA (Oxon)y1882v5i5Feb 24p35
Psychic NotesSeances in Calcutta (4) (a seance was held at Mr Leitch's ... Gordon, Eglinton, Wells, Andrews, Edmonds)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v5i5Feb 24p35
Psychic Notesrprnt Light - A Seance in the Light (Eglinton, Nichols, Joey)TL Nicholsy1882v5i5Feb 24p36
Psychic NotesLtte - Testimony of a non-Spiritualist (18 Feb 1882)DF Micrulachiy1882v5i5Feb 24p36
Psychic Notesrprnt Light - A Séance in the Light (Eglinton, Nichols, Joey)TL Nicholsy1882v5i5Feb 24p36
Psychic Notesrprnt Light - Psychographic Experiments in the LightTL Nicholsy1882v5i5Feb 24p37
Psychic NotesLtte Light - Miss Showers Mediumship (SG Potter, Mrs Nugent James)Frederica Showers (= Mrs Nugent James)y1882v5i5Feb 24p37
Psychic NotesMagic in the Conciergerie - (rprnt from the Life & Adventures of Count Beugnot)? Count Beugnoty1882v5i5Feb 24p38
Psychic NotesOccultism - Experiences of M. Louis Jacolliot, 1867 (1) (tr by OC Dutt)Louis Jacollioty1882v5i5Feb 24p39
Psychic NotesA Curious Story (Professor Wheatstone)Caroline Fox's Journaly1882v6i6March 6+p3
Psychic NotesColonel Meadows Taylor - extracts from his Story of My LifeMeadows Taylory1882v6i6March 6+p3
Psychic NotesNote - 2 Business Notices - subscribersvariousy1882v6i6March 6+p3
Psychic Notesadvertisementsvariousy1882v6i6March 6+p4
Psychic NotesFacts & Theories (there are now about 100 well-educated people in Calcutta who have been present at seances.)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v6i6March 6p41
Psychic NotesFacts & Theories (there are now about 100 well-educated people in Calcutta who have been present at séances.)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v6i6March 6p41
Psychic NotesCriticism(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v6i6March 6p42
Psychic NotesMr Kellar & his Critics(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v6i6March 6p42
Psychic NotesSome Facts in Regard to Rappings (Mr W Crookes, Miss Kate Fox, Greely, McDowell)HD Jenckeny1882v6i6March 6p42
Psychic NotesLtte - Psychography in the LightTL Nicholsy1882v6i6March 6p43
Psychic NotesLtte Light - The Transmission of a Letter from London to CalcuttaHensleigh Wedgwoody1882v6i6March 6p43
Psychic NotesClairvoyance of Future Events (rprnt Light)O.y1882v6i6March 6p44
Psychic NotesLtte Spiritualist - Psychographic & other Manifestations (rprnt Jan 1881)Charles Blackburny1882v6i6March 6p44
Psychic NotesPractical Proofs of Spirit-Knowledge & Agency (rprnt The Two Worlds)Eugene Crowelly1882v6i6March 6p45
Psychic NotesOccultism - Experiences of M. Louis Jacolliot, 1867 (2) (tr by OC Dutt)Louis Jacollioty1882v6i6March 6p46
Psychic NotesThe Three Doctors of Macarthy's Island (from Savage Africa by W Reade)Winwood Readey1882v6i6March 6p47
Psychic NotesNote - 2 Business Noticesvariousy1882v7i7March 18+p3
Psychic Notes(The mendacity of some of the newspapers ...)anony1882v7i7March 18+p3
Psychic NotesA Night in a Haunted House (rprnt Light)Hensleigh Wedgwoody1882v7i7March 18+p3
Psychic Notesadvertisementsvariousy1882v7i7March 18+p4
Psychic NotesNothing New(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v7i7March 18p49
Psychic NotesScientific Obstructives (gas & electricity as public utilities)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v7i7March 18p49
Psychic NotesPlato a Spiritualist (Phaedo quote, Jowett's translation)Platoy1882v7i7March 18p50
Psychic NotesProofs of ImmortalityTL Nicholsy1882v7i7March 18p51
Showing 1701 to 1750 of 211352 entries