The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Blavatsky Lodge

All entries

The TheosophistStudies in Swedenborg (7) The Intermediate StateHC Vetterlingy1885v7-Decemberp158
The TheosophistPosthumous unpublished writings 4-3Eliphas Leviy1885v7-Decemberp167
The TheosophistPrimitive Mazdayasnyan Teachings (2)Navroji Dorabji Khandalvalay1885v7-Decemberp171
The TheosophistKnow Thyself (I)CJ Wigmorey1885v7-Decemberp178
The TheosophistIntroduction to Astrology (II)N Chidambaram Iyery1885v7-Decemberp184
The TheosophistLonely Musings (I)Pilgrimy1885v7-Decemberp191
The TheosophistLight on the Path (3) MC {+ lots of commentary}P Sreenevas Rowy1885v7-Decemberp192
The TheosophistA Weird Tale (2)William Quan Judgey1885v7-Decemberp202
The Theosophistcorrespondence - Esoteric Buddhism (2)R Ragoonath Raoy1885v7-Decemberp206
The Theosophistreply to R Ragoonath RaoHS Olcotty1885v7-Decemberp207
The Theosophistreply to R Ragoonatha RowPR Venkatarama Iyery1885v7-Decemberp207
The TheosophistDoubts on Vedanta PhilosophyAGy1885v7-Decemberp208
The TheosophistIndian SorceryV Soobaraya Moodaliary1885v7-Decemberp209
The TheosophistBhaktiS Vaithianandha Iyery1885v7-Decemberp209
The TheosophistThe Priestly Caste of the Hindu NationA. Sankariahy1885v7-Decemberp210
The Theosophistreview - Zoroaster by F Marion-CrawfordMiad Hoyo-Ra Kora-Hony1885v7-Decemberp211
Transactions of the London Lodge of the Theosophical Society first seriesOn the Higher Aspects of Theosophic StudiesMohini M Chatterjiy1885-i3Januaryp3
Transactions of the London Lodge of the Theosophical Society first seriesA Synopsis of Baron Du Prel's "Philosophie der Mystik"Bertram Keightleyy1885-i4Februaryp3
Transactions of the London Lodge of the Theosophical Society first seriesA Paper on ReincarnationFrancesca Arundaley1885-i5Marchp3
Transactions of the London Lodge of the Theosophical Society first seriesThe Theosophical Movement (in this country has naturally been misunderstood.)AP Sinnetty1885-i6Junep3
Transactions of the London Lodge of the Theosophical Society first seriesNote by Mr MohiniMohini M Chatterjiy1885-i6Junep15
Transactions of the London Lodge of the Theosophical Society first seriesThe Higher SelfAP Sinnetty1885-i7Octoberp3
Transactions of the London Lodge of the Theosophical Society first seriesThe Theosophical Society & its WorkMohini M Chatterjiy1885-i8Decemberp3
The PathEditorial explaining the reason for publication of the PathEditory1886v1i1Aprilp1
The PathAUM!Hadji Erinn (likely WQJ)y1886v1i1Aprilp4
The PathKabbalahSeth Pancoasty1886v1i1Aprilp8
The PathSeershipMurdhna Jotiy1886v1i1Aprilp14
The PathThe Nature & Office of Buddha's ReligionH Sumangala (Rt Rev)y1886v1i1Aprilp24
The PathA Prophecy about Theosophy (contains prophecy re Coulomb)Unsignedy1886v1i1Aprilp27
The Pathreview - Apollonius of Tyana by DM Tredwell-y1886v1i1Aprilp28
The Pathreview - What is Theosophy by a Fellow of the Theosophical Society-y1886v1i1Aprilp29
The Pathreview - Bible Myths, & Their Parallels in other Religions by JW Bouton-y1886v1i1Aprilp29
The Pathreview - The Secret Doctrine by Mdme Blavatsky-y1886v1i1Aprilp29
The PathThe Aryan Theosophical Society of New York - Report (America)-y1886v1i1Aprilp30
The PathThe Rochester Branch Formed in 1882 By: WB Shelley & Mrs JW Cables - Report (America)-y1886v1i1Aprilp30
The PathMalden Branch. Started Spring 1885. Formal Dec. 1885 (1885/12/27) - Report (America)-y1886v1i1Aprilp31
The PathPioneer Theosophical Society of St Louis founded 1884 by Brother Elliott B Page - Report (USA)-y1886v1i1Aprilp31
The PathChicago Branch founded 1885, Stanley B Sexton, Pres. Dr W Phelon Cor Sec (1885/11/27) - Report (America)-y1886v1i1Aprilp31
The PathLecture on TheosophyGopal Vinayak Joshee of Bombayy1886v1i1Aprilp31
The PathBro Judge gave lecture on object, drift & method of Theosophy & also read a paper on Jacob Bohmeanony1886v1i1Aprilp31
The PathSpreading of Theosophical Literature - Report (America)-y1886v1i1Aprilp31
The PathCincinnati Branch - Report (America)-y1886v1i1Aprilp31
The PathHistoric Cycles (1886/3/25)CHA Bjerregaardy1886v1i1Aprilp31
The PathLecture by Bro A. Gebhard: The Ideals of Richard Wagner as they bear on Theosophyanony1886v1i1Aprilp31
The PathExplanation of Verse on Top of Page 1Unsignedy1886v1i1Aprilp32
The PathExtent of the Society & the Number of Branches in the World - Report-y1886v1i1Aprilp32
The PathAmerican Board of Control. Pres Prof Elliott Coues, Secretary Elliott B Page - Report (America)-y1886v1i1Aprilp32
The PathStudies in the Upanishads (1)a Studenty1886v1i2Mayp33
The PathThe Mystery of NumbersSeth Pancoasty1886v1i2Mayp37
The PathSufism (1) Or Theosophy from the Standpoint of MohammedanismCHA Bjerregaardy1886v1i2Mayp41
Showing 3951 to 4000 of 211352 entries