The Order of the Round Table: The Ideal Knight | C Jinarajadasa | y1940 | v28 | i9 | September | p213 |
Theosophical News and Notes | anon | y1940 | v28 | i9 | September | p214 |
review: 'Germany Past and Future' by Adelaide Gardner | ES | y1940 | v28 | i9 | September | p216 |
review: 'Britain's Message to the Modern World' by I A Hawliczek | ES | y1940 | v28 | i9 | September | p216 |
review: 'Annie Besant: An Autobiography' by Annie Besant | anon | y1940 | v28 | i9 | September | p216 |
Wartime Duties: I Of the President; II Of the society | George S Arundale | y1940 | v28 | i10 | October | p217 |
Editorial: From Dr Arundale | George S Arundale | y1940 | v28 | i10 | October | p220 |
Editorial: The Choice | SAC | y1940 | v28 | i10 | October | p220 |
Our Electoral Procedures | E Norman Pearson | y1940 | v28 | i10 | October | p221 |
Report of the Committee on the World Goal for Immediate Political Achievement | Mary C Werzel | y1940 | v28 | i10 | October | p222 |
New Light on the Gospel | Sadie G Stave | y1940 | v28 | i10 | October | p223 |
The Listening Heart | Viva Emmons | y1940 | v28 | i10 | October | p225 |
Ideas, Idyls, Ideals | Young Theosophists | y1940 | v28 | i10 | October | p228 |
The Role of the Theosophist in the Society (third talk of the YT Convention Symposium) | Marcella Schmitt | y1940 | v28 | i10 | October | p229 |
The Role of the Theosophist in the World (fourth talk on YT Convention Symposium) | Harry Rodefeld | y1940 | v28 | i10 | October | p230 |
The Poets' Page (vf) | various | y1940 | v28 | i10 | October | p233 |
Theosophical News and Notes | anon | y1940 | v28 | i10 | October | p236 |
obituary - Florence M Chase | Lewis Ward Martin | y1940 | v28 | i10 | October | p238 |
obituary - Minnie Peets | Ernestine Barra | y1940 | v28 | i10 | October | p239 |
An Invitation to Students | Fritz Kunz and Alexander Horne | y1940 | v28 | i10 | October | p240 |
Magna Est Veritas [extract] | H S Olcott | y1940 | v28 | i11 | November | p241 |
Our Grave Responsibility as a Section | George S Arundale | y1940 | v28 | i11 | November | p241 |
Occult Guidance in Theosophical Work [excerpts Theosophist 1915] | C Jinarajadasa | y1940 | v28 | i11 | November | p242 |
Editorial: Behind the Founders | ES | y1940 | v28 | i11 | November | p244 |
Editorial: To Serve - Or Merely to Know [extract Theosophical News and Notes 1940] | Adelaide Gardner | y1940 | v28 | i11 | November | p244 |
Editorial: Agents of the Manu | ES | y1940 | v28 | i11 | November | p244 |
Our Electoral Procedures | Sidney A Cook | y1940 | v28 | i11 | November | p245 |
Report of the Committee on the New Socio-Economic Plan | Emily Sellon | y1940 | v28 | i11 | November | p246 |
The Duty of a Lecturer [extract Theosophist 1921] | Annie Besant | y1940 | v28 | i11 | November | p248 |
Biography of a Lodge, Part X | Ann Kerr Werth | y1940 | v28 | i11 | November | p249 |
Can We Escape Hitler? | L W Rogers | y1940 | v28 | i11 | November | p250 |
A Watch Tower for Theosophical Research | Fritz Kunz and Alexander Horne | y1940 | v28 | i11 | November | p251 |
The Round Table | Mrs Ben-Allen Samuel | y1940 | v28 | i11 | November | p254 |
Ideas, Idyls, Ideals | Young Theosophists | y1940 | v28 | i11 | November | p255 |
Theosophy in the Field | anon | y1940 | v28 | i11 | November | p258 |
Theosophical News and Notes | anon | y1940 | v28 | i11 | November | p260 |
The Sacrifice | Wilma Vermilyea | y1940 | v28 | i12 | December | p265 |
Editorial: Election Afterthought | ed | y1940 | v28 | i12 | December | p268 |
Challenge of Totalitarianism | William J Ross | y1940 | v28 | i12 | December | p269 |
Main Currents in Modern Thought | Fritz Kunz | y1940 | v28 | i12 | December | p270 |
Biography of a Lodge Part XI | Ann Kerr Werth | y1940 | v28 | i12 | December | p272 |
Canada's War Spirit | L W Rogers | y1940 | v28 | i12 | December | p273 |
Theosophical Order of Service | G S Arundale, George N Ragan | y1940 | v28 | i12 | December | p275 |
Reverie of Gratitude | anon | y1940 | v28 | i12 | December | p276 |
For the New Race | Elsie B Sherwood | y1940 | v28 | i12 | December | p276 |
An Allegory | Charles Henry Mackintosh | y1940 | v28 | i12 | December | p277 |
Tolerance | Grace M Caldwell | y1940 | v28 | i12 | December | p278 |
The Poets' Page (vf) | various | y1940 | v28 | i12 | December | p279 |
Ideas, Idyls, Ideals | Young Theosophists | y1940 | v28 | i12 | December | p280 |
The Occult Significance of Lodge Meetings | C W Leadbeater | y1940 | v28 | i12 | December | p281 |