review: 'America was Promises' by Archibald MacLeish | SAC | y1942 | v30 | i9 | September | p216 |
review: 'The Daily Use of the Ephemeris: New and Revised Edition' by Elizabeth Aldrich | AA | y1942 | v30 | i9 | September | p216 |
review: 'Stellar Dietetics' by Elbert Benjamine | AA | y1942 | v30 | i9 | September | p216 |
review: 'Astrology: Its History and Influence in the Western World' by Ellen McCaffery | AA | y1942 | v30 | i9 | September | p216 |
review: 'Vocational Guidance by Astrology by Charles E Luntz | AA | y1942 | v30 | i9 | September | p216 |
Annie Besant as a Religious Teacher | A J Willson | y1942 | v30 | i10 | October | p217 |
Work of the Future | Annie Besant | y1942 | v30 | i10 | October | p219 |
Why Should We Hate? | anon | y1942 | v30 | i10 | October | p220 |
Rights | anon | y1942 | v30 | i10 | October | p220 |
Spiritual Good Manners: Aladdin [extract Buddhism in England] | anon | y1942 | v30 | i10 | October | p221 |
Theosophical Questions Answered | A F Knudsen | y1942 | v30 | i10 | October | p222 |
Message to The Florida Federation | C Jinarajadasa | y1942 | v30 | i10 | October | p223 |
A Meditation for October: Responsibility | Donna Sherry | y1942 | v30 | i10 | October | p224 |
Art in Theosophical Life (notes from an Adyar Talk) | J H Cousins | y1942 | v30 | i10 | October | p225 |
Theosophy and Sculpture | Margery Parks | y1942 | v30 | i10 | October | p226 |
Successful Service Series: V The Lodge Member | E Norman Pearson | y1942 | v30 | i10 | October | p227 |
World Day for Animals | various | y1942 | v30 | i10 | October | p228 |
Excerpts from The Secret Doctrine | HP Blavatsky (comp by May Kyle Willatsen) | y1942 | v30 | i10 | October | p229 |
Dr Arundale and Rukmini Devi [excerpt Young Citizen] | KP Khaitan | y1942 | v30 | i10 | October | p230 |
Study [excerpts Toronto Theosophical News] | anon | y1942 | v30 | i10 | October | p231 |
From the National President's Correspondence | anon | y1942 | v30 | i10 | October | p231 |
The Poets' Page (vf) | various | y1942 | v30 | i10 | October | p233 |
The Theosophical Order of Service: The Healing Department | Marie R Mequillet | y1942 | v30 | i10 | October | p234 |
Theosophy in the Field | anon | y1942 | v30 | i10 | October | p235 |
Theosophical News and Notes | anon | y1942 | v30 | i10 | October | p237 |
review: 'Ventures in Verse, by Theosophists' by Young Theosophists | JM | y1942 | v30 | i10 | October | p240 |
review: 'The Faith of the Artist' by James H Cousins | BW | y1942 | v30 | i10 | October | p240 |
review: 'Collected Poems (1894 1940)' by James H Cousins | JM | y1942 | v30 | i10 | October | p240 |
review: 'Life of Muhammed' by M R Bengalee | CCS | y1942 | v30 | i10 | October | p240 |
review: 'The Ideologies of Religion' by George Perrigo Conger | FHW | y1942 | v30 | i10 | October | p240 |
review: 'Gautama the Enlightened, and Other Verse' by John Masefield | LP | y1942 | v30 | i10 | October | p240 |
The President-Founder Said [extract TS Solidarity and Ideals 1894] | H S Olcott | y1942 | v30 | i11 | November | p241 |
Friend Russia | L W Rogers | y1942 | v30 | i11 | November | p242 |
Race Prejudice [extract Theosophist 1942] | Rie Vreeswijk | y1942 | v30 | i11 | November | p243 |
For This Time and All Time | anon | y1942 | v30 | i11 | November | p244 |
Successful Service Series: VI Books - and Business! | E Norman Pearson | y1942 | v30 | i11 | November | p245 |
The School of Tomorrow | Joy Mills | y1942 | v30 | i11 | November | p246 |
Theosophical Questions Answered | A F Knudsen | y1942 | v30 | i11 | November | p247 |
Lodge Brightening Campaign | anon | y1942 | v30 | i11 | November | p248 |
Notes from the National President | anon | y1942 | v30 | i11 | November | p249 |
The Theosophical Order of Service: International Constitution Revised, 1940 | Esther Clare Renshaw | y1942 | v30 | i11 | November | p250 |
obituary - Hirendra Nath Datta | C Jinarajadasa | y1942 | v30 | i11 | November | p251 |
Over the National Secretary's Desk | Ann Werth | y1942 | v30 | i11 | November | p252 |
The Forum | various | y1942 | v30 | i11 | November | p253 |
A Meditation for November: Sacrifice | Donna Sherry | y1942 | v30 | i11 | November | p254 |
Letter to R. IX | Wilma Vermilyea | y1942 | v30 | i11 | November | p255 |
Custodians of the Future | C Jinarajadasa | y1942 | v30 | i11 | November | p255 |
From the National President's Correspondence | Sidney A Cook | y1942 | v30 | i11 | November | p256 |
Excerpts from The Secret Doctrine | HP Blavatsky (comp by May Kyle Willatsen) | y1942 | v30 | i11 | November | p258 |
Order of the Round Table | Ethel M Whyte | y1942 | v30 | i11 | November | p259 |