The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Blavatsky Lodge


filler - "Truth needs no shouting. Beauty no explanation"Ewart Johnson (L)y1967v16i11Augustp325
A Question of Maps - Role of Amateur in ScienceI Manuel Oderberg (L)y1967v16i11Augustp326
The Long ViewGM Geerlings (L)y1967v16i11Augustp333
filler - "Every plant is a miracle."Orange Clark (L)y1967v16i11Augustp336
They Returned to Life (Is Death Really Death?)Kaj Lindberg (L)y1967v16i11Augustp337
Death a Beginning (Is Death Really Death?)L John Himes (L)y1967v16i11Augustp339
The Three Visions (Is Death Really Death?)G de Purucker (L)y1967v16i11Augustp340
Ltte - "Finally we have made it to Cambodia"Lo Guest (L)y1967v16i11Augustp345
Ltte - "most people believe personality is a product of environment"Frances Knowles (L)y1967v16i11Augustp347
filler - "There is wisdom that resides"W Fekken (L)y1967v16i11Augustp348
Reflections of an East-GoerIda Perrine Ryder (L)y1967v16i11Augustp349
filler - "Man's greatest teacher, ... solitude and a tree"Robert A. Parker (L)y1967v16i11Augustp352
filler - We must try to understand with the heartWilliam Q Judge (L)y1967v16i11Augustp352z+
Coming to Terms with LifeCatherine Mann (L)y1967v16i12Septemberp353
filler - "rediscovering the life of the spirit; we must experience"CG Jung (L)y1967v16i12Septemberp354
The Cosmic CarillonElsa-Brita Titchenell (L)y1967v16i12Septemberp355
filler - "The good in every man"C Rajagopalachari (L)y1967v16i12Septemberp360
In Search of the DepthJohn P Van Mater (L)y1967v16i12Septemberp361
filler - "We carry with us the wonders we seek without us"Sir Thomas Browne (L)y1967v16i12Septemberp363
The Historical Roots of our Ecologic CrisisLynn While, Jr (L)y1967v16i12Septemberp364
Reflections of an East-Goer - High Above RiverIda Perrine Ryder (L)y1967v16i12Septemberp376
Prism of the MindMark Trippett (L)y1967v16i12Septemberp379
How do you say Thank You for so much?Theo Chegwidden (L)y1967v16i12Septemberp382
filler - "No man is your enemy: no man is your friend"Mabel Collins (L)y1967v16i12Septemberp384z+
filler - "I was so thrilled with the article on the trilobite"Ella C Leavitt (L)y1967v16i12Septemberp384
The Divine IntentKenneth Morris (L)y1967v17i1Octoberp1
filler - "blank scrolls as these that are the true scriptures."Wu Ch'eng-en (L)y1967v17i1Octoberp5
As Nature is Wise ...John Burroughs (L)y1967v17i1Octoberp6
"Let your mind be quiet, realizing the beauty of the world" (vf)Edward Carpenter (L)y1967v17i1Octoberp9
The Missing FaceJean B Van Mater (L)y1967v17i1Octoberp10
filler - "justice brings serenity to the conscience"Hugo Grotius (L)y1967v17i1Octoberp16
Birth of LivesMichael Cosser (L)y1967v17i1Octoberp17
filler - "Man is plainly made to think"Blaise Pascal (L)y1967v17i1Octoberp22
On Wings of ThoughtAlysann Bendroth (L)y1967v17i1Octoberp23
Ltte - "patients in mental hospitals ... mind-expanding chemicals"William Jennings (L)y1967v17i1Octoberp25
Ltte - "profound interest in religious themes."EA Holmes (L)y1967v17i1Octoberp26
Ltte - "circle having its periphery nowhere but its center everywhere."Herbert Krumhaar (L)y1967v17i1Octoberp27
Ltte - arctic seas were refrozen ... "Climactic Optimum"Blair A. Moffett (L)y1967v17i1Octoberp28
Individual MosaicLeslie T Titchenell (L)y1967v17i1Octoberp29
filler - Man has at the core of him the God withinLeoline L Wright (L)y1967v17i1Octoberp32z+
filler - "Now understand me well"Walt Whitman (L)y1967v17i1Octoberp32
The Origin of LifeJohn P Van Mater (L)y1967v17i2Novemberp33
filler - "The philosopher must go further than the scientist"Henri Bergson (L)y1967v17i2Novemberp39
No BoundariesRutger Bergstrom (L)y1967v17i2Novemberp40
Heritage of OpportunityGeorge Emerson Haynes (L)y1967v17i2Novemberp43
A Look Through the WindowHelmut Michler (L)y1967v17i2Novemberp47
filler - "Man is a sun and a moon, and a heaven filled with stars."Paracelsus (L)y1967v17i2Novemberp48
A Journey to Middle-EarthWilly Ph Felthuis (L)y1967v17i2Novemberp49
filler - "The lamp we light in the night"Rabindranath Tagore (L)y1967v17i2Novemberp54
Emerging Trends in ReligionPeter H Samsom (L)y1967v17i2Novemberp55
Showing 2701 to 2750 of 6911 entries