The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Blavatsky Lodge

The Theoscientist

An approach to pure consciousnessRC Rathy1984v8i2-p1
On having faithPK Dasy1984v8i2-p19
Where They Meet & Where Science ErrsRC Rath (compiler)y1984v8i2-p23
An Analysis of the Principles of the Absolute through Scientific and Spiritual LawsParamahamsa Tiwariy1984v8i3-p1b+
Where They Meet & Where Science ErrsRC Rath (compiler)y1984v8i3-p1a+
Spiritual HomeostasisRC Rathy1984v8i3-p7
The path of DisciplineN Mohapatray1984v8i3-p13
Asceticism at HomeLokanath Mohapatray1984v8i3-p17
Science Forum (rprnt - 'Science To-day')anony1984v8i3-p22
Age of the EarthB Kumary1985v9i1-p1a+
Where They Meet & Where Science ErrsRC Rath (compiler)y1985v9i1-p1b+
Astrology vs FatalismDP Dasy1985v9i1-p9
Challenges of lifeN Mohapatray1985v9i1-p14
Theosophy - Living WisdomRC Rathy1985v9i1-p17
The Law of Karma and the Divine GraceRC Rathy1985v9i2-p1
Personal GodN Mohapatray1985v9i2-p6
Chemical and Biochemical Basis of LifeAshoke Prasad Bosey1985v9i2-p11
Where They Meet & Where Science ErrsRC Rath (compiler)y1985v9i2-p17
Prigogine's Science of Becoming (rprnt - 'Theosophical Research Journal')anony1985v9i3-p1b+
Limitless LoveBrother Jamesy1985v9i3-p1a+
Equality of Human beingsRamesh Misray1985v9i3-p4
Spiritual CareerN Mohapatray1985v9i3-p7
The Psychology of MeditationRC Rathy1985v9i3-p12
Where They Meet & Where Science ErrsRC Rath (compiler)y1985v9i3-p15
Scientific approach to the Theosophical CultureRC Rathy1985v9i4-p2
Nature of MatterDN Rathy1985v9i4-p13
Where They Meet & Where Science ErrsRC Rath (compiler)y1985v9i4-p17
Relativity - Total and Partial (rprnt - 'Science and Occultism')IK Taimniy1986v10i1-p1
The Group Soul and the morphogenetic FieldsRC Rathy1986v10i1-p7
Zen Buddhism in the light of Western PhilosophyHubert Benoity1986v10i1-p11
Await me, O friend (vf)J Krishnamurtiy1986v10i1-p17
In the quest of reality (1)SC Mishray1986v10i1-p18
Editorial: The Looking Glass Universeedy1986v10i2-p1a+
Potentiality and the Human-Divine Relation (rprnt - 'Science, Animals, Evolution')Catherine Robertsy1986v10i2-p1c+
Thousand eyes with thousand views (vf)(rprnt - 'Star Bulletin' 1931)Krishnamurtiy1986v10i2-p1b+
Mechanism of Manifestation (rprnt - 'Science and Occultism')IK Taimniy1986v10i2-p10
In the quest of reality (2)SC Mishray1986v10i2-p15
Nirvana (rprnt - 'Esoteric Buddhism')AP Sinnetty1986v10i2-p18
Role of Chitta in the Eastern PsychologyRC Rathy1986v10i3-p1
Marxism and TheosophyB Kumary1986v10i3-p6
Awareness without attention in the science of MeditationRohit Mehtay1986v10i4-p1b+
Editorial: the Need of Intellectual Knowledge for Spiritual Progressedy1986v10i4-p1a+
Fundamental Principles of MeditationLama Angarika Govinday1986v10i4-p8
Philosophy of Dynamic SilenceRC Rathy1986v10i4-p13
Science Forum: The systems View of Life (rprnt - 'Tao of Physics')Fritjof Capray1986v10i4-p16
Why a path of Spiritual questRamesh Misray1987v11i1-p1
Who are the pitrisChintamani Mohapatray1987v11i1-p5
Science of MayaRC Rathy1987v11i1-p11
Science Forum: The Principles of Uncertainty and the Divine will (rprnt - 'Science and Occultism')IK Taimniy1987v11i1-p16
Suffering is the basis of SpiritualityRamesh Misray1987v11i2-p5
Showing 101 to 150 of 350 entries