The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Blavatsky Lodge

The Theosophist

[The Kneph ed by Kenneth RH Mackenzie; a new masonic journal from London]anony1881v2-Marchp132
Cosmogony & Anthropology: or Deity, Earth & Man studied by AnalogyAlphonse Cahagnety1881v2-Marchp133
footnotes to "Cosmogony & Anthropology"(HPB)y1881v2-Marchp133
A New Lighting Materialanony1881v2-Marchp134
The Signs of the Timesanon (HPB)y1881v2-Marchp135
Solstitial Hymn to Surya, The Vedic Sun-God (rprnt Medium and Daybreak)AJCy1881v2-Marchp135
The Alleged Real Meaning of Educational Missions in Indiaanon (HPB)y1881v2-Marchp136
Why Ghosts Appear? (rprnt Religio-Philosophical Journal)Alexander Wildery1881v2-Marchp137
The new Vimananon (HPB)y1881v2-Marchp138
[Sir Richard Temple claiming the Brahmo Samajists have adopted the name of the Theosophists]anon (HPB)y1881v2-Marchp139
The Royal Society and Spiritualistic Literatureanon (HPB)y1881v2-Marchp139
obituary - Epes Sargent (1813-1880) [a portion is rprntd from the Boston Transcript]anony1881v2-Marchp139
Miscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1881v2-Marchp139
[List of places, copied from the mailing-register of the Theosophist]anony1881v2-Marchp140
The Theosophist, Bombay, April 1st, 1881Editory1881v2-Aprilp141
Shelley - An Aryan thinkerSorabji J Padshahy1881v2-Aprilp141
YakshniThakur Ganesh Singy1881v2-Aprilp143
Comment on "Yakshni"(HPB)y1881v2-Aprilp143
A Treatise on Yoga Philosophy (5)NC Pauly1881v2-Aprilp144
A Columnar Meteoranon (HPB)y1881v2-Aprilp147
A Prisoner Mesmerised in Court (rprnt The Pioneer)anony1881v2-Aprilp148
Life without Food for Seven Months (rprnt Evening Standard)anony1881v2-Aprilp148
Railway & other Vandalsanon (HPB)y1881v2-Aprilp148
Geometry on the Principles of the Ancient Hindu PhilosophyMunshi Sada Sukh Laly1881v2-Aprilp149
Memorandum [to "Geometry on the Principles of the Ancient Hindu Philosophy"]"DA Dalvi"y1881v2-Aprilp151
New York Buddhistsanon (HPB)y1881v2-Aprilp152
Oriental Maxim, quotedanony1881v2-Aprilp153
Belief in Witchcraft (2) (rprnt Davensport Gazette)anony1881v2-Aprilp153
Belief in Witchcraft (1) (rprnt Galveston News) ("Galvestan" is a likely error)anony1881v2-Aprilp153
Enoch & YudhisthiraNobin K Bannerjiy1881v2-Aprilp153
Nature's Human Magnetsanon (HPB)y1881v2-Aprilp154
An Archaeological Drinkanon (HPB)y1881v2-Aprilp156
Radiant Heat, Musical Vapours & Fairy Bells (re a paper by Prof Tyndall)anon (Notes by HPB)y1881v2-Aprilp157
A Hindu Professor's Views on Indian Yoga (review of Introduction to Indian Yoga by MM Kunte)anon (HPB)y1881v2-Aprilp158
Logic versus Peripateticanon (HPB)y1881v2-Aprilp159
The Most Ancient of Christian Ordersanon (HPB)y1881v2-Aprilp160
The Bishop's ManifestoPAPy1881v2-Aprilp161
Miscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1881v2-Aprilp161
Luminous Print, an Italian inventionanony1881v2-Aprilp163
The Beni Elohim: or, "Children of the Gods" (1)Mirza Moorad Alee Beg (G Mitford; d1884)y1881v2-Aprilp163
A Statement of Receipts & DisbursementsHP Blavatskyy1881v2-May+p1
Proceedings of CouncilDamodar K Mavalankary1881v2-May+p1
Alliance with the Hindu SabhaA. Sankariah & HS Olcotty1881v2-May+p3
acknowledge, with thanks, ... additional subscriptions for vol II, all paid in advance.The Proprietors of the `Theosophist`y1881v2-May+p4
The Beni Elohim: or, "Children of the Gods" (2)Mirza Moorad Alee Begy1881v2-Mayp165
The Theosophist, Bombay, May 1st, 1881Editory1881v2-Mayp165
A Lost Key (London Times editorial)anony1881v2-Mayp167
Count St Germainanon (HPB)y1881v2-Mayp168
New Views on Pali (from E Forchhamer) (rprnt The Pioneer)anony1881v2-Mayp168
[a series, titled the Genesis of the Soul, on Kabalistic doctrines, appearing in the Spiritualist]anony1881v2-Mayp170
Showing 601 to 650 of 26591 entries