The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Blavatsky Lodge

The Theosophical Research Journal

The Pineal: Modern View of an Ancient Gland (2)Victor Eichlery1986v3-Marchp7
Karma & TherapyVern Haddicky1986v3-Marchp14
How Can Theosophy Reach Out to Contemporary Science?Ralph Hannony1986v3-Marchp28
review - Atoms, Snowflakes, & God by John HitchcockShirley Nicholsony1986v3-Marchp29
review - Evolution: A Theory in Crisis by Michael DentonE Lester Smithy1986v3-Marchp31
EditorialDora Kunzy1986v3-Junep34
Life & Mind in the UniverseGeorge Waldy1986v3-Junep35
Complementarity (excerpt from Atoms, Snowflakes & God by John L Hitchcock)anony1986v3-Junep50
review - That Myriad Minded Man, A Biography of GW Russell - AE by Henry SummerfieldShirley Nicholsony1986v3-Junep56
EditorialDora Kunzy1986v3-Septemberp58
Of Matter & Meaning: The Super-Implicate Order (rprnt from ReVision)David Bohm & Renee Webery1986v3-Septemberp59
Genesis & Genes: Composing the Newest Testament of Life (rprnt Chicago Tribune April 18 1986)Peter Gornery1986v3-Septemberp81
review - Dialogues with Scientists & Sages by Renee WeberRalph H Hannony1986v3-Septemberp86
review - The Western Way, A Practical Guide to the Western Mystery Tradition by Caitlin & John MatthewsE Lester Smithy1986v3-Septemberp88
IntroductionRalph Hannony1986v3-Decemberp92
ESP of Atoms?Stephen Phillipsy1986v3-Decemberp93
Therapeutic Touch: Searching for Evidence of Physiological Change (rprnt American J of Nursing April 1979)Dolores Krieger, Erik Peper, Sonia Ancoliy1986v3-Decemberp107
Therapeutic Touch in Practice (rprnt American J of Nursing April 1979)Janet Macraey1986v3-Decemberp112
Science SeminarRalph Hannony1986v3-Decemberp115
review - Breath of the Invisible - The Way of the Pipe by John Redtail FreesoulSteve Schweizery1986v3-Decemberp117
What is the Relevance of Theosophical Metaphysics to Daily Life?Robert Ellwoody1987v4-Marchp3
The Interconnections between the Holographic Model & the Esoteric Traditions of East/West PhilosophyRenee Webery1987v4-Marchp5
Theosophy & Modern Science - Some Fundamental Considerations (rprnt Where Theosophy & Science Meet 1938 DDK)Pieter Kornelis Roest (1898 - )y1987v4-Marchp16
review - The Meaning of Life by JHM WhitemanE Lester Smithy1987v4-Marchp23
Perception in Yoga & Physics (rprnt ReVision Spring 1980)Ravi Ravindray1987v4-Junep32
What Happened Before Big Bang? Scientists Plumb Origin of Universe (rprnt Chicago Tribune May 10 1987)Ronald Kotulaky1987v4-Junep46
review - Shamanism by Shirley NicholsonSteve Schweizery1987v4-Junep50
Resentment: A Poisonous UndercurrentDora Kunz & Erik Pepery1987v4-Septemberp54
Wisdom EtymologyJohn Algeoy1987v4-Septemberp60
Before the Beginning: Nothing, the Big Bang, God & TheosophyWilliam R Laudahny1987v4-Septemberp66
Science & the Mystery of Silence (rprnt The American Theosophist Nov 1982)Ravi Ravindray1987v4-Decemberp70
Energy-Field Medicine (rprnt break-through v5 #2 Summer 1986)Ann Millsy1987v4-Decemberp78
review - Psychoenergetics Systems: Interactions of Consciousness, Energy & Matter ed by Stanley KrippnerMichael Leviny1987v4-Decemberp83
review - Galaxies of Life ed by Stanley Krippner & Daniel RubinMichael Leviny1987v4-Decemberp85
HP Blavatsky & Contemporary ScienceRalph Hannony1988v5-Marchp2
Einstein - Gravitation - MysticismHugh Murdochy1988v5-Marchp10
review - Living the Therapeutic Touch by Dolores KriegerDora Kunzy1988v5-Marchp22
Psycho-Endocrinology & the Yoga ParadigmEric Leskowitzy1988v5-Junep26
One World or More - Monism or Dualism? The Science & Theosophy of EssenceWilliam R Laudahny1988v5-Junep34
review - Science & Mysticism by Richard H JonesJA Perryy1988v5-Junep38
Theosophical Education (rprnt Theosophy/Science v21(1) 1977)Emily Sellony1988v5-Oct-Decp45
Dear Subscriber, a decision was made to discontinue this publication ...Dora Kunz & Ralph Hannony1988v5-Oct-Decp45a+
Theosophy, Occultism, Mysticism, Science (rprnt Research Centre Journal v19(3) 1975)JHM Whitemany1988v5-Oct-Decp52
Religion, Philosophy & Modern Science (rprnt The Annals of Oriental Research v32 pt 1 1986, Madras University)KP Rajappany1988v5-Oct-Decp57
Perception, Consciousness, and Reality (rprnt Silver Jubilee Souvenir 1987)TM Srinivasany1988v5-Oct-Decp61
The Pulse of the Universe (rprnt Silver Jubilee Souvenir 1987)IM Oderbergy1988v5-Oct-Decp69
Matter, Force, and Consciousness (rprnt Theosophy/Science v22(1) 1978)KVK Nehruy1988v5-Oct-Decp74
review - Staying Alive: The Psychology of Human Survival by Roger Walsh (last entry, last issue)NC Ramanujachary (rprnt)y1988v5-Oct-Decp78
Showing 51 to 100 of 100 entries