Opportunity to work at Adyar | anon | y1973 | v37 | i2 | April | p8 |
Are we Fulfilling the Objects of the Society? | Frederick Shade | y1973 | v37 | i2 | April | p9 |
White Lotus Day | anon | y1973 | v37 | i2 | April | p11 |
Not Planning to be First (rprnt) | MN Tolani | y1973 | v37 | i2 | April | p12 |
The Theosophical Society in Australia - National Convention - Easter 1973 - Programme | anon | y1973 | v37 | i2 | April | p14 |
News & Notes | anon | y1973 | v37 | i2 | April | p16 |
review - `Dynamics of the Psychic World` by (HPB) & Lina Psaltis | MEC | y1973 | v37 | i2 | April | p16 |
review - `Readers Guide to the Mahatma Letters to AP Sinnett` by George Linton & Virginia Hanson | MEC | y1973 | v37 | i2 | April | p16 |
obituary - N Sri Ram (photo) | Norman Hankin | y1973 | v37 | i3 | June | p2 |
obituary - (Helen V Zahara, photo) Thoughts of a Dear Friend | Ruth Beringer | y1973 | v37 | i3 | June | p4 |
(Helen Zahara) In Appreciation | Eunice & Felix Layton | y1973 | v37 | i3 | June | p5 |
News & Notes | anon | y1973 | v37 | i3 | June | p6 |
The Captains & the Kings Depart (personal reflections on the death of Helen Zahara) | Brian Parry | y1973 | v37 | i3 | June | p7 |
Memorial Address (for Helen Vasanta Zahara) | Joy Mills | y1973 | v37 | i3 | June | p8 |
Helen Vasanta Zahara | Geoffrey Hodson | y1973 | v37 | i3 | June | p10 |
Convention Impressions | Mary Iddon | y1973 | v37 | i3 | June | p11 |
Minutes of the 1973 Convention | anon | y1973 | v37 | i3 | June | p13 |
A Mind to Embrace the Universe | Seetha Neelakantan | y1973 | v37 | i4 | August | p2 |
The Nature of Karma Yoga | Will Ross | y1973 | v37 | i4 | August | p6 |
Inspiration through Music | Jacqueline Parkhurst | y1973 | v37 | i4 | August | p9 |
Working with Nature | David Wilson | y1973 | v37 | i4 | August | p10 |
Some Results of Group Meditation | Phil Harris | y1973 | v37 | i4 | August | p12 |
News & Notes | anon | y1973 | v37 | i4 | August | p13 |
review - `The Opening of the Wisdom Eye` by Tenzin Gyatsho 14th Dalai Lama | MPF | y1973 | v37 | i4 | August | p14 |
review - `Hammer on the Mountain` by Howard Murphet | JF | y1973 | v37 | i4 | August | p15 |
review - `Seven Schools of Yoga` by Ernest Wood | MEC | y1973 | v37 | i4 | August | p15 |
review - `You` by George Arundale | MEC | y1973 | v37 | i4 | August | p15 |
Stop Press (notes) | anon | y1973 | v37 | i4 | August | p16 |
Theosophical Society in Australia - Lodge Directory | anon | y1973 | v37 | i4 | August | p16 |
Journey Towards a Dream | Elaine Murdoch | y1973 | v37 | i5 | October | p2 |
Easter Convention 1974 | anon | y1973 | v37 | i5 | October | p5 |
The Yoga of Theosophy | Seetha Neelakantan | y1973 | v37 | i5 | October | p6 |
The Encounter of Man & Nature | Will Ross | y1973 | v37 | i5 | October | p10 |
Keeping in Touch | anon | y1973 | v37 | i5 | October | p13 |
Leadership | Bert Harris | y1973 | v37 | i5 | October | p14 |
Physiological Effects of Meditation | Geoffrey Miller | y1973 | v37 | i5 | October | p15 |
Stop Press (notes) | anon | y1973 | v37 | i5 | October | p16 |
Welcome to Our New President - Mr John Coats Elected | anon | y1973 | v37 | i6 | December | p2 |
A New Beginning | Elaine Murdoch | y1973 | v37 | i6 | December | p3 |
(At Christmas the joyous heavens descend) (vf) | Phyllis V Campbell | y1973 | v37 | i6 | December | p4 |
The Balance of Life & Death | Norman Hankin | y1973 | v37 | i6 | December | p5 |
obituary - David Esplin | anon | y1973 | v37 | i6 | December | p5 |
Continental Drift | Hugh Murdoch | y1973 | v37 | i6 | December | p9 |
Q: Danger of theosophy becoming churchianity | Will Ross & Hugh Murdoch | y1973 | v37 | i6 | December | p12 |
Q: Meditation to integrate East & West cultures | Geoffrey Miller | y1973 | v37 | i6 | December | p12 |
Q: Meditation to lower blood pressure | Geoffrey Miller | y1973 | v37 | i6 | December | p12 |
Q&A Session - Convention - 1973 Q: population density of 1 human per square yard in 2040 | Hugh Murdoch | y1973 | v37 | i6 | December | p12 |
Q: Is the TS attracting enough young people? | Hugh Murdoch, Noel Odou, Seetha Neelakantan | y1973 | v37 | i6 | December | p13 |
Q: Has theosophy got sidetracked since HP Blavatsky died? (Hugh Murdoch) | Seetha Neelakantan, Will Ross | y1973 | v37 | i6 | December | p13 |
Q: Marijuana | Geoffrey Miller | y1973 | v37 | i6 | December | p13 |