The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Blavatsky Lodge

Transactions Annual Congresses of the Federation of European Sections Theosophical Society

(in French) Essai sur le Mécanisme de la ClairvoyanceTh. Pascaly1905v2-Julyp245
(in French) Essai sur le Mécanisme de la ClairvoyanceTh. Pascaly1905v2-Julyp245
(in French) L'Espace: L'Hyperespace et son ExperienceL Desainty1905v2-Julyp247
(in French) L'Espace: L'Hyperespace et son ExpérienceL Desainty1905v2-Julyp247
Notes on the Fourth Dimension with some Sections, & Orthogonal Projections ...WJLy1905v2-Julyp253
These plates, which illustrate the 4th dimensional solids ...anony1905v2-Julyp272
I 16 cell B, II 16 cell Canony1905v2-Julyp272
III 24 cell B, IV 24 cell Canony1905v2-Julyp272
III 24 cell Banony1905v2-Julyp272
II 16 cell C, III 24 cell Banony1905v2-Julyp272
Physical Evidence of Atlantis & LemuriaPercy Lundy1905v2-Julyp295
The Scientific Principles Underlying "Reincarnation" and "Karma"WC Worsdelly1905v2-Julyp299
Modern AstrologyAlan Leoy1905v2-Julyp313
In Defence of SpiritualismFlorence MM Russelly1905v2-Julyp323
Vibratory Capacity, the Key of PersonaltyCHH Frankliny1905v2-Julyp329
Ett Bidrag till Studiet af Reinkarnationen (see Teosofisk Tidskrift för Skandinavia July 1905)Hans Erlandssony1905v2-Julyp345
Ett Bidrag till Studiet af Reinkarnationen (see Teosofisk Tidskrift for Skandinavia July 1905)Hans Erlandssony1905v2-Julyp345
Department E - Artanony1905v2-Julyp347
Contents of Department Eanony1905v2-Julyp348
The Artistic InspirationMontague Fordhamy1905v2-Julyp349
The Modern Symbolist MovementLilian Lloydy1905v2-Julyp353
Guilds: Visible & InvisibleAW Waddingtony1905v2-Julyp357
The Theosophical Society & MusicEdward Maryony1905v2-Julyp365
(in French) Essai sur le Pouvoir Educateur de la MusiqueA. André-Gedalgey1905v2-Julyp375
(in French) Essai sur le Pouvoir Educateur de la MusiqueA. Andre-Gedalgey1905v2-Julyp375
Art as a Factor in the Soul's EvolutionC Jinarajadasay1905v2-Julyp383
Summary - Music as a Factor in EvolutionAM Alexandery1905v2-Julyp391
Department F - Administration - Propaganda, Methods of Workanony1905v2-Julyp393
Contents of Department Fanony1905v2-Julyp394
On Theosophical Propaganda in FranceJuliette Decroixy1905v2-Julyp395
The Relation of the Theosophical Society to the Theosophical MovementI. Hoopery1905v2-Julyp399
A Plea for a More Practical Wisdom for TheosophistsKatherine Wellery1905v2-Julyp405
Summary - A Newspaper SchemeW Wyberghy1905v2-Julyp409
On the Education of Children - Physical, Moral, Intellectual, & ReligiousEJ Laudery1905v2-Julyp411
Some Danger Points in the New Thought Movement - A Suggestion to TheosophistsJB McGoverny1905v2-Julyp425
A Sincere Tribute of Grateful Admiration to our Great Instructor Madame BlavatskyFTSy1905v2-Julyp431
Department G - Occultismanony1905v2-Julyp433
Contents of Department Ganony1905v2-Julyp434
The Conditions of Occult ResearchAnnie Besanty1905v2-Julyp435
Part 5 - Indexanony1905v2-Julyp445
Contents of Part 5anony1905v2-Julyp446
Pronounciation of Sanskrit Wordsanony1905v2-Julyp447
Index to Parts 3, 4anony1905v2-Julyp449
Part 1 - Officialanony1906v3-Julyp1
Transactions of the 3rd Annual Congress of the Federation of European Sections of the TS (Paris, July 3-5)anony1906v3-July_p1
Contents of Part 1anony1906v3-Julyp2
1. List of Officers - President HS Olcottanony1906v3-Julyp3
2. Statement of AccountsCH Blechy1906v3-Julyp6
3. Opening Meetinganony1906v3-Julyp7
4. Meetings for Debateanony1906v3-Julyp8
Showing 151 to 200 of 415 entries