The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Blavatsky Lodge

The Aquarian Theosophist

No Religion Higher Than Truth [from "No Religion Higher Than Truth"]anony2016v16i3Januaryp7
Austerity the Pilgrim’s Protectionanony2016v16i3Januaryp8
If the Eyes Were Open [from "The Essence of Human Future"]quoted words from the Mahatmay2016v16i3Januaryp9
Frankness as a Source of Peaceanony2016v16i3Januaryp9
The Facts and the Mirroranony2016v16i3Januaryp10
The First Degree of Wisdom [from "Aphorisms of the Rabbis"]anony2016v16i3Januaryp11
A Brother to Lightning and to Bliss [from "Thoughts Along the Road - 7"]anony2016v16i3Januaryp11
The Unshackled Spirit [from 'The Mahatma Letters' Letter LIX p348]anony2016v16i3Januaryp12
Our Mind’s Creations [from "The Creative Will"]Robert Crosbiey2016v16i3Januaryp12
Before Standing in the Sacred Presence [from 'Light on the Path' p1]MCy2016v16i3Januaryp13
A Lesson From Epictetus [from 'A Manual for Living, Epictetus, a new interpretation' see p14]Sharon Lebelly2016v16i3Januaryp13
On Energy Efficiency - From the Writings of the Founder of JudoJigoro Kanoy2016v16i3Januaryp14
The New Texts in Our Websitesanony2016v16i3Januaryp15
The mysterious planet Uranus [from "A Few Words on Uranus"]CCAy2016v16i3Januaryp15
Thoughts Along the Road - Observing the Sacredness of Daily Lifeanony2016v16i3Januaryp16
What It Means To Be Successfulanony2016v16i4Februaryp1
The Karmic Equation - Sometimes the Sources of True Happiness Remain Hiddenanony2016v16i4Februaryp2
The Masters On Who Is Capable of Searching for Wisdom [selections from 'The Mahatma Letters']anony2016v16i4Februaryp3
You Never Can Tell (vf) [reproduced from 'Custer And Other Poems']Ella Wheeler Wilcoxy2016v16i4Februaryp4
Donald Trump Theosophy And the Practice of Vaccinationanony2016v16i4Februaryp5
There Is a Time for Renewal - When Higher Degrees of Sincerity Emergeanony2016v16i4Februaryp6
Ivan Il'in: On Resisting Evil by Force - Editorial Note(Carlos Cardoso Aveline)y2016v16i4Februaryp7
Ivan Il'in: On Resisting Evil by ForceNO Losskyy2016v16i4Februaryp8
Real Friendship Deserves to Endureanony2016v16i4Februaryp10
The Eternity of the Instantanony2016v16i4Februaryp11
Lessons From the Phases of the Moon - There Is a Subtle Tide In Every Human Soulanony2016v16i4Februaryp11
The Politicians of the Esoteric Movementanony2016v16i4Februaryp12
On the Size of One's Soulanony2016v16i4Februaryp13
The Central Point in the Circleanony2016v16i4Februaryp14
Giving Up in Order to Obtainanony2016v16i4Februaryp14
A Few Words by Helena Blavatsky [extract: 'The Key to Theosophy']HP Blavatskyy2016v16i4Februaryp15
The Precept and the Practiceanony2016v16i4Februaryp15
Thoughts Along the Road - Observing the Sacredness of Daily Lifeanony2016v16i4Februaryp16
From the Golden Verses of PythagorasPythagorasy2016v16i4Februaryp18
The New Texts in Our Websitesanony2016v16i4Februaryp19
The Rebirth of the Futureanony2016v16i5Marchp1
The Energy of the New Cycle - Right Action in the Right Timinganony2016v16i5Marchp2
Karmic Fever and Transcendenceanony2016v16i5Marchp3
Anti-Semitism and the Western Culture ["A Jewish Esoteric School"]CCA (Carlos Cardoso Aveline)y2016v16i5Marchp3
A Blunt Letter to a Student - On Training Oneself in Firmness [originally "On Steadiness" from 'The Irish Theosophist' July 1896 pp192-193; 'The Theosophical Movement' September 2014 pp12-13Ay2016v16i5Marchp4
The Tempest and the Teapotanony2016v16i5Marchp5
Give Your Higher Self a Chance - We All Have Something Unique to Offer [from "Think Like a Champion"]Donald J Trumpy2016v16i5Marchp6
Being Together as a Communityanony2016v16i5Marchp7
A Few Words From Democrates [from "The Golden Sentences of Democrates" in 'The Golden Verses of Pythagoras and Other Pythagorean Fragments']Democratesy2016v16i5Marchp8
The Dhammapada on The Power of Thought [from "Seven Ideas for a Theosophical Life"]anony2016v16i5Marchp8
The Art of Taking Notes [see "Letters From the Masters of the Wisdom" compiled and edited by C Jinarajadasa First Series Letters to and About LC Holloway Letter II p149anony2016v16i5Marchp9
An Invisible Accumulation of Karma - Keeping Our Minds Open and Doing Our Bestanony2016v16i5Marchp10
Developing an Accurate View - It Takes an Honest Heart to See The Mystery of Universal Wisdomanony2016v16i5Marchp11
Thoughts Along the Road - Observing the Sacredness of Daily Lifeanony2016v16i5Marchp13
Two Poems by Ella Wheeler Wilcox [1 Solitude, 2 The Year Outgrows the Spring] (vf) [from "Poems of Passion" by Ella Wheeler Wilcox available online in Project Gutenberg ]Ella Wheeler Wilcoxy2016v16i5Marchp15
Showing 2601 to 2650 of 3398 entries