The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Blavatsky Lodge

The Aquarian Theosophist

Theosophical Glossary: PythagorasHP Blavatskyy2002v3i1Nov+p20
Notes on the Golden Verses of Pythagoras From The Commentaries of HieroclesHieroclesy2002v3i1Nov+p22
A Turkish Effendi on Christendom and Islam [reprint from The Theosophist March 1880]anony2002v3i1Novp24
The Law of RebirthZendoy2002v3i1Novp33
Love Sweet Love [reprint from Phaedrus]Platoy2002v3i1Novp34
The Missing Dimension [reprint from his journal]Henry David Thoreauy2002v3i1Novp34
In the Mentality Kitchenvariousy2002v3i1Novp34
Key Notebook (13)HP Blavatskyy2002v3i2Dec+p1
Imagination: The Memory of Past Births [extract from Occult or Exact Science pp 245-259]HP Blavatskyy2002v3i2Decp1
The Woes of Turkey [reprint from Theosophy Magazine January 1923 pp 106-111]anony2002v3i2Dec+p5
Knowledge and WisdomCowpery2002v3i2Dec+p10
Bode's Lawanony2002v3i2Dec+p10
Knowledge of SelfMontaigney2002v3i2Dec+p10
Meditation: The Road to Renewal [reprint from The New Cycle]HP Blavatskyy2002v3i2Dec+p11
Time (vf) [reprint from Edmonton Theosophical Society Canada]Stephaniay2002v3i2Dec+p12
Property Rights Through the Eyes of an OccultistA Mastery2002v3i2Dec+p12
Psychometry [reprint from]anony2002v3i2Dec+p12
Four Modes of Knowledge [reprint from Phaedo]Thomas Taylory2002v3i2Dec+p14
Stone Skimminganony2002v3i2Dec+p15
The Doctrine of AvatarsHP Blavatskyy2002v3i2Dec+p16
A Farewell to Politics [translated by Paul Wilson] [reprint from The New York Review]Vaclav Havely2002v3i2Decp16
The Black Light [reprint from The Man of Light]Henri Corbiny2002v3i2Dec+p17
Point Out the Way (25)John Garriguesy2002v3i2Decp21
The Coffee Klatch (23)anony2002v3i2Decp23
Dnyaneshvari (25)Dnaneshwara Maharajy2002v3i2Decp25
Guest Editorial From Brasilia: Godanony2002v3i2Decp31
The Three Fundamental PrinciplesG Yamaday2002v3i2Decp32
Soldiers of Humanity [reprint from Zen Flesh, Zen Bones pp 72-73]anony2002v3i2Decp33
Arresting the Stone Buddhaanony2002v3i2Decp33
Key Notebook (14)HP Blavatskyy2003v3i3Jan+p1
Sufism - Or Theosophy From the Standpoint of Mohammedanism (1)CHA Bjerregaardy2003v3i3Janp1
The Aryan-Arhat Esoteric Tenets On the Sevenfold Principle in Man [reprint Theosophist Vol 3 1882]T Subba Row and HP Blavatskyy2003v3i3Jan+p3
Female AdeptsDK Mavalankary2003v3i3Jan+p18
On the Lighter Side: What are the Laws of the Universeanony2003v3i3Jan+p18
Secret Language of Elephantsanony2003v3i3Jan+p19
A Page From Historyanony2003v3i3Jan+p20
Raja Yoga and Hatha Yogaanony2003v3i3Jan+p22
Point Out the Way (26)John Garriguesy2003v3i3Janp22
The Coffee Klatch (24)anony2003v3i3Janp24
Dnyaneshvari (26)Dnaneshwara Maharajy2003v3i3Janp25
Seven Principles in Mananony2003v3i3Janp28
Daiviprakriti and Mulaprakritianony2003v3i3Janp29
In the Mentality Kitchenvariousy2003v3i3Janp30
From Caveman to ContemplativeTim Addeyy2003v3i4Febp1
Planes of Responsibilityanony2003v3i4Feb+p1
First Speed of Gravity Measurement Revealed [reprint from New Scientist 3 January 2003]Hazel Muiry2003v3i4Feb+p7
Showing 351 to 400 of 3398 entries