The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Blavatsky Lodge


The Maya of IMRI [extract: 'The Book of Images'][Dhan Gargya]y2012v16i3Summerp105
Worlds AwakenedZawa'at Rivashy2012v16i3Summerp110
Seek Out the Way [extract: 'Light on the Path']Anonymousy2012v16i4Autumnp113
The Guardian Wallanony2012v16i4Autumnp115
The True Adept [extract: "Madame Blavatsky on the Himalayan Brothers" 'Spiritualist' August 12 1881]HP Blavatskyy2012v16i4Autumnp120
The Light and the Dark Side of Nature [extract: 'The Theosophical Movement' February 1942]BP Wadiay2012v16i4Autumnp122
Deep Mysteries of Nature (vf) [extract: 'Faust']Johann Wolfgang von Goethey2012v16i4Autumnp126
Gods Monads and Atomsanony2012v16i4Autumnp127
A Tenderhearted Man [extract: 'Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln']Doris Kearns Goodwiny2012v16i4Autumnp132
The Water Beareranony2012v16i4Autumnp135
Sources of Diplomatic LeadershipBan Ki-moony2013v17i1Winterp1
Theosophical Leadershipanony2013v17i1Winterp4
The Subjective and the Objective - A Lesson from the Cave of Plato - Republic Book VII [extract: 'The Path' February 1896]William Quan Judgey2013v17i1Winterp10
The Second Coming (vf)William Butler Yeatsy2013v17i1Winterp16
Buddhi: Reflector of Atmananony2013v17i1Winterp17
The Mask of ApolloGeorge William Russelly2013v17i1Winterp21
Discovery in Science [extract: 'Science in the Common Understanding']J Robert Oppenheimery2013v17i2Springp25
Samsara and Sunyata [extract: 'Maharatnakuta Sutra XXXV']anony2013v17i2Springp26
Science and Spirituality ['Inaugural Address' Alpbach Conference September 1983]Tenzin Gyatso - The XIVth Dalai Lamay2013v17i2Springp29
Mind Creator of Karmaanony2013v17i2Springp35
Last LinesEmily Brontey2013v17i2Springp42
Leo Tolstoi and his Unecclesiastical Christianity ['Lucifer' September 1890 (p9 original attributes author as Raphael von Koeber)]H P Blavatskyy2013v17i2Springp44
Beyond Expression [extract: 'Letters That Have Helped Me]William Quan Judgey2013v17i2Springp53
The Stone Mason [A Chinese Folktale]anony2013v17i2Springp54
Choosing the Future [extract: 'The Ethics of Global Development' pp82-85]David A Crockery2013v17i3Summerp57
The Eye and the Heart Doctrineanony2013v17i3Summerp59
The Two Paths [extract: 'The Voice of the Silence'][HP Blavatsky]y2013v17i3Summerp64
Oration on the Dignity of Man ['Oration on the Dignity of Man' pub 1486 translated from the Latin by Richard Hooker 1994]Editors, Pico Della Mirandolay2013v17i3Summerp67
Knowledge and Transformation [extract: 'The Friendly Philosopher' pp261-263]Robert Crosbiey2013v17i3Summerp71
O Great Spirit [Oglala Dakota Chant]anony2013v17i3Summerp74
The Mystery of Deathanony2013v17i3Summerp75
The Rise and Fall of Civilizations - Part I [extract: 'Echoes from the Orient' pp21-29]William Q Judgey2013v17i3Summerp80
Silent Sanctuaries [extract:'The Greek Way']Edith Hamiltony2013v17i4Autumnp85
The Law of Universal Causationanony2013v17i4Autumnp87
Aphorisms on Karma [extract: 'The Path' March 1893]WQ Judgey2013v17i4Autumnp92
The Hidden Mind ['The Secret Doctrine i 277-282]HP Blavatskyy2013v17i4Autumnp93
The Nameless [extract: 'The Tao Te Ching']anony2013v17i4Autumnp100
Theosophy as Religionanony2013v17i4Autumnp101
The World House [extract: 'Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community? Ch 6]Martin Luther King Jry2013v17i4Autumnp106
Cycles of Theosophical Work [extract: 'Letters that Have Helped Me'], [extract: 'The Friendly Philosopher']William Quan Judge, Robert Crosbiey2013v17i4Autumnp109
The Hidden Fountain (vf)Richard Watson Dixony2013v17i4Autumnp110
The Value of Suffering [extract 'The New York Times' September 8 2013]Pico Iyery2013v17i4Autumnp112
Good Work [extract: 'Sex Economy Freedom and Community']Wendell Berryy2014v18i2Springp33
Discovering the True Selfanony2014v18i2Springp35
The Fruit of Wisdom [extract: 'Crest Jewel of Wisdom' translated by Charles Johnson]Shankaracharyay2014v18i2Springp43
The Kingly Mystery [extract: 'The Friendly Philosopher']Robert Crosbiey2014v18i2Springp45
The Greatest of All Wars [extract: 'Living the Life']BP Wadiay2014v18i2Springp50
Ripples and Waves (vf)Theodore Roethkey2014v18i2Springp55
Nonviolence [extract: 'The Law of Violence and the Law of Love']Leo Tolstoyy2014v18i3Summerp25
The True Pilgrimanony2014v18i3Summerp27
Showing 551 to 600 of 793 entries