The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Blavatsky Lodge

Adyar Newsletter

Distance and no less the lattice lend enchantment to the view of the Banyan tree eagerly peeping inside [illustration]anony1998--Novemberp1
Foundaton Day [123rd] - Mr Shroder's addressanony1998--Novemberp2
Meet Mr Syamala Raoanony1998--Novemberp5
The School of the Wisdomanony1998--Novemberp6
Headquarters Liftanony1998--Novemberp7
Donations to the Theosophical Society (1 July 98 to 30 September 1998)anony1998--Novemberp8
[?water lilies with tortoise] [illustration]anony1999--Februaryp1
What Adyar Means to MeC R N Swamyy1999--Februaryp2
The School of the Wisdomanony1999--Februaryp2
Wildlife in the TS Campusanony1999--Februaryp4
Mr C Seshadri [obituary]anony1999--Februaryp7
Republic Dayanony1999--Februaryp7
Righting a Wronganony1999--Februaryp7
Donations to the Theosophical Society (1 October 98 to 31 December 1998)anony1999--Februaryp8
Adyar Library [illustration]anony1999--Mayp1
The Adyar Library - News Update (Vaisnava Literature and Conservation Programme)anony1999--Mayp2
New International Secretary [Mrs Dolores Gago]anony1999--Mayp4
New Publication: 'Right Living in Modern Society' [by Prof P Krishna]anony1999--Mayp4
Spiritual Retreatanony1999--Mayp5
The School of the Wisdomanony1999--Mayp5
Garden Developmentanony1999--Mayp6
Medical Camp and Jumble Saleanony1999--Mayp6
Donations to the Theosophical Society (From 1 January 1999 to 31 March 1999)anony1999--Mayp7
Recent Publications - 'Adyar: International Headquarters of the Theosophical Society'; Adyar: Historical Notes and Features up to 1934' [by Mary K Neff]anony1999--Mayp8
[Trees and signs] [illustration]anony1999--Augustp1
Then and Now: Arundale House, Headquarters Roof, The Third Trilithonanony1999--Augustp2
The School of the Wisdom - 1 November to 11 December 1999 - Theme: Awakening to Truthanony1999--Augustp6
Donations to the Theosophical Society (From 1 April 1999 to 30 June 1999)anony1999--Augustp8
Recent Reprintsanony1999--Augustp8
Nandi Lord Siva's vehicle is a bull ... Our nandi near the Headquarters lawn sees Siva everywhere! [illustration]anony1999--Novemberp1
Spiritual Retreat [report of retreat 4 to 9 September 1999 under Venerable Professor Samdhong Rinpoche]anony1999--Novemberp2
Computer Slidesanony1999--Novemberp4
Then and Now (Continued) [Quadrangle, Bhojanasala, Banyan Tree]anony1999--Novemberp5
Donations to the Theosophical Society (From 1 July 1999 to 30 September 1999)anony1999--Novemberp8
Snatching a few light interludes from serious discussions [illustration]anony2000--Februaryp1
The 124th International Conventionanony2000--Februaryp2
New Vocational Training Centre for Womenanony2000--Februaryp3
Then and Now (Cont) [Vasanta Press, Fuller Bungalow]anony2000--Februaryp5
Donations to the Theosophical Society (From 1 October 1999 to 31 December 1999)anony2000--Februaryp8
... the palm grove gives a depth of shade that silences the whole ... [illustration]anony2000--Mayp1
South Indian Theosophical ConferenceAn Experienced Theosophist; A Recent Membery2000--Mayp2
Animal Welfare Centreanony2000--Mayp3
Vaisakh Purnima at the Buddhist Templeanony2000--Mayp4
The School of the Wisdom - 31 October to 14 December 2000 - Theme: The Life Worth Living - Director: Miss Joy Millsanony2000--Mayp6
Donations to the Theosophical Society (From 1 January to 31 March 2000)anony2000--Mayp7
[Trees plants and leaves] [illustration]anony2000--Augustp1
Oriental Conference Honours Scholarsanony2000--Augustp2
Besant Gardens Humming with Acitvity - Olcott Memorial School; Vocational Training Centre for Women; HPB Hostel; Social Welfare Centre; Annie Besant Memorial Dispensaryanony2000--Augustp2
The School of the Wisdom - 29 January to 28 February 2001 - Theme: The Theosophy of the Mystics - Director: Pedro Oliveiraanony2000--Augustp5
New Releasesanony2000--Augustp6
Showing 1851 to 1900 of 2642 entries