The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Blavatsky Lodge


Who is a Brahman? - (acc to the Mahabharata)anony1893v12-Julyp480
Body, Life, SoulWFBy1893v12-Julyp481
Nirvana According to KantT Williamsy1893v12-Julyp488
Ashtavakra Sanhita (2)MN Chatterjiy1893v12-Julyp491
On the Infinite Universe & Worlds (3)Giordano Brunoy1893v12-Julyp492
Theosophy & Christianity (1)Annie Besanty1893v12-Julyp498
review - The New Priesthood by OuidaHTEy1893v12-Julyp504
Science & the Esoteric Philosophy (5)HTEy1893v12-Julyp504
Selections from the Philosophumena (1)GRS Meady1893v12-Julyp508
Diana-Hecate-Luna (vf)Nonna Luisay1893v12-Julyp512
The Philosopher's Stone - an extract from Raphael's Familiar Astrologer of 1831Zadkiely1893v12-Julyp513
correspondence - Theosophy & ReincarnationWF Kirbyy1893v12-Julyp514
review - A Golden & Blessed Casket of Nature's Marvels (alchemy) by Benedictus Figulus, tr AE WaiteHTEy1893v12-Julyp515
review - The Ocean of Theosophy by WQ Judgeanony1893v12-Julyp516
review - Magic, White & Black by Franz HartmannHTEy1893v12-Julyp516
review - Schlüssel zur Theosophie by HP Blavatskyanony1893v12-Julyp517
Theosophical Activitiesvariousy1893v12-Julyp517
Our Budgetanony1893v12-Julyp523
Theosophical & Mystic Publications - variousanony1893v12-Julyp525
On the Watch-TowerAnnie Besanty1893v12-Augustp529
Elementals (1)HPBy1893v12-Augustp537
Yoga in Linga PuranaPBNy1893v12-Augustp548
Gurus & Chelas (1)ET Sturdyy1893v12-Augustp550
Trust, the Essence of True ReligionHenry Pratty1893v12-Augustp555
Selections from the Philosophumena (2)GRS Meady1893v12-Augustp559
Theosophy & OccultismAn Indian Studenty1893v12-Augustp570
Science & the Esoteric Philosophy (6) The God of ScienceHTEy1893v12-Augustp573
A Theosophical DiscussionAnnie Besanty1893v12-Augustp576
Esoteric TeachingAP Sinnetty1893v12-Augustp577
Cause of Evil (2)Charlotte D Abneyy1893v12-Augustp583
Theosophy & Christianity (2)Annie Besanty1893v12-Augustp589
"They that go Down into Silence"Edith A. Jonesy1893v12-Augustp593
The Theosophy of SchopenhauerH. (? Franz Hartmann)y1893v12-Augustp599
Edgar Allan Poe & Occultism, from EurekaEAPy1893v12-Augustp601
Notes & QueriesWK, ETH, ABy1893v12-Augustp602
review - The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns, & Fairies by Robert Kirk (1641?-1692)HTEy1893v12-Augustp603
review - Reincarnation; A Study of the Human Soul by Jerome A. Andersonanony1893v12-Augustp604
Theosophical Activitiesvariousy1893v12-Augustp605
Australasia - MelbourneMabel Besant-Scotty1893v12-Augustp608
Our Budgetanony1893v12-Augustp610
Theosophical & Mystic Publications - variousanony1893v12-Augustp612
On the Watch-Tower(Annie Besant)y1893v13-Septemberp1
obituary - SE Gopalacharlu (... - 1893)anony1893v13-Septemberp3
Katha Upanishad (1)CJy1893v13-Septemberp9
The Foundation of Christian Mysticism (6) (compilation by Franz Hartmann)Master Eckharty1893v13-Septemberp14
The MummyJohn M Prysey1893v13-Septemberp23
Elementals (2)HP Blavatskyy1893v13-Septemberp30
Reincarnation a Scientific NecessityThomas Williamsy1893v13-Septemberp39
Selections from the Philosophumena (3)GRS Meady1893v13-Septemberp42
Tibetan Buddhism - (a magazine review)anony1893v13-Septemberp53
Showing 1851 to 1900 of 2866 entries