Pacific Coast Items: Dr Allen Griffiths many places - Eureka T S - Report (America) | - | y1893 | v7 | i10 | January | p330 |
Indian Mirror - Report on Olcott's Talk in Calcutta (1892/10/27) | anon | y1893 | v7 | i10 | January | p330 |
Harbor Missionaries - Report (Ceylon) | - | y1893 | v7 | i10 | January | p331 |
Sangamitta Girls' School - Report (Ceylon) | - | y1893 | v7 | i10 | January | p331 |
General Notices - Report (America) | - | y1893 | v7 | i10 | January | p332 |
New York Headquarters Budget - Report (America) | - | y1893 | v7 | i10 | January | p332 |
What the Masters Have Said | One Recipient (likely WQJ) | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p333 |
The Spheres of Inanimate Objects. A Criticism Criticised | Thomas E Karr FTS | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p335 |
Three Letters to a Child (3) The Making of Earth | Katharine Hillard FTS | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p341 |
A Reminiscence. Re Origin of Seal | One of the Staff (likely WQJ) | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p343 |
Planetary Influences | GEW | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p345 |
Jared - The Story of an Angel That Came From Paradise | Ethelbert Johnston FTS | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p350 |
The Earth Chain of Globes (1) | William Q Judge | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p351 |
illustration - Faces of Friends - EB Rambo of San Francisco | Unsigned | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p354 |
The Formation of Crystals (with Editor's Note) | Sarah Corbett FTS | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p356 |
review - A Modern Catechism ... by Mrs UN Gestefeld FTS | - | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p358 |
review - Theosophical Siftings v5 #13 & 14 | - | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p358 |
review - Theosophist December 1892 | - | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p358 |
Dr DJ Edal-Behram, reprinted Mr Judge's article in the New York Sun - Report (India) | - | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p359 |
review - Papers on Theosophy read in Auckland - re attack by Clergyman Carter | - | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p359 |
review - Lucifer December, 1892 | - | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p359 |
review - The Light of the East #3 (Nov), 1892 | - | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p359 |
review - Theosophical Siftings v5 #15 | - | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p359 |
Brooklyn TS - Report (America) | - | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p360 |
review - Calling Araminta Back by James H Connelly, | - | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p360 |
review - Funeral Service for Students of Theosophy by Rev Wm E Copeland FTS | William Quan Judge (in refutation) | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p360 |
Aryan TS Sunday Lectures - Report (America) | - | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p361 |
Atma TS Lectures during month - Report (America) | - | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p361 |
Brooklyn TS Sunday Evening Lectures - Report (America) | - | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p361 |
Chicago Lodge TS Elections - Report (America) | - | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p361 |
Claude F Wright on Lecture Tour (1892/12/20) | anon | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p361 |
HPB TS Sunday Evening Lectures - Report (America) | - | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p361 |
Seattle Branch #1 Elected Frank I. Blodgett President - Report (America) | - | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p361 |
Toledo TS Elected Mr John M Wheeler President - Report (America) | - | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p361 |
Alaya TS Santa Ana, Calif Elected Mr Benj. F Grouard, President - Report (America) | - | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p362 |
Mr Griffiths Lectured (1892/12/14) | anon | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p362 |
Pacific Coast Items: Golden Gate Lodge, Willamette TS - Report (America) | - | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p362 |
obituary - General Abner Doubleday Deceased (1893/1/26) | anon | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p362 |
Annie Besant's Tour | anon | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p363 |
obituary - Mrs Mary Gebhard, FTS Deceased | anon | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p363 |
Etching of Indian Headquarters available - Report (America) | - | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p364 |
New York Headquarters Budget - Report (America) | - | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p364 |
Response to the General Secretary's Appeal - Report (America) | - | y1893 | v7 | i11 | February | p364 |
Seven Years Gone | Unsigned | y1893 | v7 | i12 | March | p365 |
filler, quoted from Aphorisms on Karma. With Introduction by William Q Judge | anon, various | y1893 | v7 | i12 | March | p366 |
Devachan | William Q Judge | y1893 | v7 | i12 | March | p369 |
illustration - Faces of Friends - Gen. Abner Doubleday | Unsigned | y1893 | v7 | i12 | March | p372 |
The Mahatmas as Ideals & Facts | Eusebio Urban | y1893 | v7 | i12 | March | p374 |
The Earth Chain of Globes (2) | William Brehon | y1893 | v7 | i12 | March | p377 |
HP Blavatsky on Precipitation & Other Matters | HPB | y1893 | v7 | i12 | March | p381 |