review - Myth, Magic and Morals | FC Conybeare | y1910 | v1 | i2 | Jan | p372 |
review - Story of Glastonbury and the Grail | anon | y1910 | v1 | i2 | Jan | p377 |
review - Idealism as a Practical Creed | Henry Jones | y1910 | v1 | i2 | Jan | p378 |
review - Studies in Mystical Religion | RM Jones | y1910 | v1 | i2 | Jan | p379 |
review - French Translation of Zohar | J de Pauley | y1910 | v1 | i2 | Jan | p382 |
The Philosophy of Rudolf Eucken | WR Boyce Gibson | y1910 | v1 | i2 | Jan | p384 |
review - New Light on the Renaissance | H Bayley | y1910 | v1 | i2 | Jan | p384 |
review - Thoughts of a Modern Mystic | CC Massey | y1910 | v1 | i2 | Jan | p386 |
review - No Refuge but in Truth | Goldwin Smith | y1910 | v1 | i2 | Jan | p387 |
review - Reincarnation and Christianity | anon | y1910 | v1 | i2 | Jan | p388 |
review - After Death - What? | C Lombroso | y1910 | v1 | i2 | Jan | p388 |
review - The Immortal's Great Quest | JW Barlow | y1910 | v1 | i2 | Jan | p390 |
review - Progressive Creation (2) | HE Sampson | y1910 | v1 | i2 | Jan | p390 |
review - Religion of HG Wells | AH Craufurd | y1910 | v1 | i2 | Jan | p390 |
note - Criticism and Beauty | anon | y1910 | v1 | i2 | Jan | p392 |
note - Dream-Control | anon | y1910 | v1 | i2 | Jan | p392 |
note - Maakheru | anon | y1910 | v1 | i2 | Jan | p394 |
note - Roman Catholic Church and Spiritualism | anon | y1910 | v1 | i2 | Jan | p395 |
note - Symbolic Hair-tuft of the Buddha | anon | y1910 | v1 | i2 | Jan | p396 |
note - The Seraphim | anon | y1910 | v1 | i2 | Jan | p396 |
note - Egyptian Influence on Early Christian Symbolism | anon | y1910 | v1 | i2 | Jan | p397 |
note - Recurrent Time | anon | y1910 | v1 | i2 | Jan | p399 |
The Figment of Race | Otto Rothfeld | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p401 |
The Love of Nature in Buddhist Poems | CAF Rhys Davids | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p416 |
Fragments from the Mandaean Traditions of John the Baptist | AL Beatrice Hardcastle | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p435 |
Idealism and the Problem of Nature | E Douglas Fawcett | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p449 |
Religion in the Far East: A Study in Japanese Buddhism (1) | J Estlin Carpenter | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p460 |
The Spirit-Body: An Excursion into Alexandrian Psycho-Physiology | GRS Mead | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p472 |
The Oceanic Origin of Life | Bernard S Arnulphy | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p489 |
Culture and the Church | WF Cobb | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p505 |
The Quest of the Holy Grail | Jessie L Weston | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p524 |
An Innocent in Hades | ER Innes | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p536 |
A Child's Garden | MU Green | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p548 |
Light (vf) | Alfred Noyes | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p559 |
review - An Early Christian Psalter | J Rendel Harris | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p561 |
review - Odes and Psalms of Solomon | J Rendel Harris | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p561 |
review - Individual and Reality | ED Fawcett | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p570 |
review - John Dee | CF Smith | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p576 |
review - Anna van Schurman | U Birch | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p578 |
review - Three Principles | Jacob Boehme (Barker Reprint) | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p579 |
review - Psalms of the Early Buddhists: I - Psalms of the Sisters | CAF Rhys Davids | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p582 |
review - The Path of Light | LD Barnett | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p584 |
review - The Education of Uncle Paul | A Blackwood | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p585 |
review - Browning's Paracelsus | ML Lee | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p586 |
review - The Physics of the 'Secret Doctrine' | W Kingsland | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p587 |
review - Wedges | CB Wheeler | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p587 |
review - Hindu Magic | H Carrington | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p588 |
review - The Collected Works of Fiona Macleod | anon | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p588 |
review - The Mystery of Mysticism | AE Hopkinson | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p589 |
review - Is Death the End? | anon | y1910 | v1 | i3 | Apr | p589 |