The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Blavatsky Lodge


People and Places - photosanony1999v87i6Nov-Decp234
President's DiaryJohn Algeoy1999v87i6Nov-Decp235
review: 'For the Time Being' by Annie DillardRalph H Hannony1999v87i6Nov-Decp236
review: 'Tantra: The Path of Ecstacy, An Introduction to Hindu Tantrism' by Georg FeuersteinJames E Roystery1999v87i6Nov-Decp236
review: 'Essential Sufism' ed James Fadiman and Robert FragerMike Wilsony1999v87i6Nov-Decp236
obituary: Marjorie Peterson (1921-1999)Carol Hurdy1999v87i6Nov-Decp237
obituary: Dora Kunz (1904-1999)anony1999v87i6Nov-Decp237
obituary: Terry Alan Atwood (1950-1999)anony1999v87i6Nov-Decp237
Viewpoint: On Being EclecticJohn Algeoy2000v88i1Jan-Febp2
Rene Schwaller de Lubicz and the Intelligence of the HeartGary Lachmany2000v88i1Jan-Febp4
The Wisdom of Ancient Egypt: review: 'The Temple of Man: Apet of the South at Luxor' by RA Schwaller de LubiczJohn Anthony Westy2000v88i1Jan-Febp12
Forming a Prayer GroupSam Menahemy2000v88i1Jan-Febp16
Confessions of a Zen JewMax Rothy2000v88i1Jan-Febp22
President's DiaryJohn Algeoy2000v88i1Jan-Febp27
Explorations: Jung in England: Ghosts and Personality Types [extracts]Vivianne Crowleyy2000v88i1Jan-Febp28
News and Notesanony2000v88i1Jan-Febp30
Thinking Aloud: Tourists or Pilgrims?Chris Richardsony2000v88i1Jan-Febp34
obituary: Mary Jane O'Connell Newcomb (1916-1999)John Algeoy2000v88i1Jan-Febp35
obituary: Lafayette Gordon Plummer (1904-1999)John Algeoy2000v88i1Jan-Febp35
obituary: Lucille Cunningham (1919-1999)Jean B Halffy2000v88i1Jan-Febp35
review: 'Forest of Visions: Ayahuasca, Amazonian Spirituality, and the Santo Daime Tradition' by Alex Polari de AlvergaEliezer Sobely2000v88i1Jan-Febp36
review: 'Atlantis: The Andes Solution: The Discovery of South America as The Legendary Continent of Atlantis' by JM AllenMaurice Secresty2000v88i1Jan-Febp37
review: 'Reading the Bible: An Introduction' by Richard G WalshJay G Williamsy2000v88i1Jan-Febp37
Viewpoint: Waking to Spring LilacsJohn Algeoy2000v88i2Mar-Aprp42
Icons: Windows to the DivineOlga Luchakova, Kenneth Johnsony2000v88i2Mar-Aprp44
Beauty is a Verb [adapted]Eric Boothy2000v88i2Mar-Aprp50
Hesychasm: A Christian Path of TranscendenceMitchell B Liestery2000v88i2Mar-Aprp54
A Poem in a BrushstrokeJL Walkery2000v88i2Mar-Aprp60
Thinking Aloud: 300,000 to 1Lance Hardiey2000v88i2Mar-Aprp66
letter: ThanksGlenda Cunninghamy2000v88i2Mar-Aprp67
letter: ThanksRichard J Kajuty2000v88i2Mar-Aprp67
President's DiaryJohn Algeoy2000v88i2Mar-Aprp68
News and Notesanony2000v88i2Mar-Aprp70
review: 'Voices of the Rocks: A Scientist Looks at Catastrophes and Ancient Civilizations' by Robert M SchochVictor A Gostiny2000v88i2Mar-Aprp76
review: 'Innocence and Decadence: Flowers in Northern European Art 1880-1914' - catalogJohn Algeoy2000v88i2Mar-Aprp76
review: 'The Politics of Myth: A Study of CG Jung, Mircea Eliade, and Joseph Campbell' by Robert EllwoodStephan A Hoellery2000v88i2Mar-Aprp77
obituary: Edwin Albert Staggs (1929-1999)Melvin S Burckesy2000v88i2Mar-Aprp78
obituary: Evelyn Lambert (1918-1999)anony2000v88i2Mar-Aprp78
obituary: Phyllis H Stedman (1905-1999)Leatrice Kreeger Bonnelly2000v88i2Mar-Aprp78
Viewpoint: Are We Missing the Point?Carol Nicholson Wardy2000v88i3May-Junp82
Four of a Kind: The Tarot of the BeatlesKevin Hendryxy2000v88i3May-Junp84
Access to a Western Esotericist: A Conversation with Antoine FaivreGary Lachmany2000v88i3May-Junp90
Blavatsky and Mount Rushmore [re Gutzon Borglum's Painting of HP Blavatsky]John Algeoy2000v88i3May-Junp94
From Exclusivism to Convergence: How We Relate to the Religions of Others - Part 1: Diversity, Exclusivism, and InclusivismJames M Somervilley2000v88i3May-Junp98
Explorations: A Miracle of NothingnessClarence R Pederseny2000v88i3May-Junp103
Thinking Aloud: A New Millennium of Awareness and Action [rprnt]Radha Burniery2000v88i3May-Junp104
President's DiaryJohn Algeoy2000v88i3May-Junp106
letter: The God DebateWade Stoney2000v88i3May-Junp111
letter: The God DebateRajiv Malhotray2000v88i3May-Junp111
letter: Egypt: Ideal or Object Lesson?Phillip Colligany2000v88i3May-Junp111
Showing 1501 to 1550 of 4126 entries