The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Blavatsky Lodge

The Theosophist

Spirit Guardianship, or What? (rprnt Harbinger of Light)CW Rohnery1884v5-Februaryp111
Contemplation (1)Damodar K Mavalankary1884v5-Februaryp112
Ed. Note [to "Spirit Guardianship, or What?"]anon (HPB)y1884v5-Februaryp112
An Autumn Reverie (vf)Henry George Hellony1884v5-Februaryp114
Oriental Juggling in Siamanony1884v5-Februaryp114
footnotes to "The Sibyl, Ancient & Modern"(HPB)y1884v5-Februaryp117
The Sibyl, Ancient & ModernDr Fortiny1884v5-Februaryp117
Victims of Wordsanon (HPB)y1884v5-Februaryp117
The Translation of Keshub Chunder SenHS Olcotty1884v5-Februaryp119
Ltte - A Convict ReformedWD Abrewy1884v5-Februaryp120
Answers to Correspondentsvariousy1884v5-Februaryp120
note [to "Archaeological Difficulties"]anon (HPB)y1884v5-Februaryp121
Archaeological DifficultiesPC Mukherjiy1884v5-Februaryp121
Theosophy & ChristianityA. Sankariahy1884v5-Februaryp121
Bhagavad Gita & "Esoteric Buddhism"William Quan Judgey1884v5-Februaryp122
Christianity in Chota NagporeSukumar Haldary1884v5-Februaryp122
Tiger-CharmingKunja V Bhattacharyay1884v5-Februaryp122
Editor's Note [to Bhagavad-Gita & Esoteric Buddhism]Ed (HPB)y1884v5-Februaryp122
review - Das Janus-Gesicht des Menschen by Karl du PrelLeopold Salzery1884v5-Februaryp123
review - Die Weltstellung des Menschen (The Cosmic Position of Man) by Karl du PrelLeopold Salzery1884v5-Februaryp123
Miscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1884v5-Februaryp123
obituary - Death of the Swami of AlmoraKC Mookerjiy1884v5-Februaryp123
A Bishop on the ChurchReformer FTSy1884v5-Februaryp123
Miscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1884v5-Februaryp125
review - Remarks & Thoughts on Buddha & Early Buddhism by Arthur LillieDharani Dhar Kauthumiy1884v5-Februaryp125
Editor's Note [to the du Prel books]Ed.y1884v5-Februaryp125
The Theosophists & Irenaeusanon (HPB)y1884v5-Februaryp129
[Copies of the Eighth Anniversary Report of the TS are available]anony1884v5-Februaryp130
Journal of the Theosophical Society #3 Madras, March, 1884anony1884v5-March+p46
[a paragraph on a disputed passage]Parmashri Dassy1884v5-March+p46
Unpublished Writings of Eliphas Levi (II) The Great Arcanum & the Great WorkEliphas Leviy1884v5-March+p46
The Work of the BranchesDamodar K Mavalankary1884v5-March+p46
Letter - Theosophy & Love (rprnt - Epiphany)(editor `Epiphany`)y1884v5-March+p49
Letter - Fund in Honour of the Late Swami of AlmoraKumud Chander Mukerjeey1884v5-March+p49
Rejoinder (to editor Epiphany)DKMy1884v5-March+p51
Phenomenal - My ExperiencesF Hartmanny1884v5-March+p52
Official Reports - Colonel Olcott in Kandy, Ceylon [Olcott's visit; list of new office-bearers]anony1884v5-March+p53
The Kandy (Buddhist) Theosophical Societyanony1884v5-March+p53
Colonel Olcott Given the Rank of "Acharya"anony1884v5-March+p53
The Aryan Theosophical Society (New York) [general update]William Quan Judgey1884v5-March+p54
Presidential Special Orders - [the Board of Control] (by order of the President-Founder)Mohini M Chatterjiy1884v5-March+p54
obituary - Memorial Meeting in Honor of the Late Peary Chand Mitraanony1884v5-March+p54
obituary - C Subbaramayyaanony1884v5-March+p54
Special Circular to the Branches [branches authorised to adopt the Rules of the Parent Society]Damodar K Mavalankary1884v5-March+p54
obituary - B Venkatachella Iyeranony1884v5-March+p54
[seven advertisements]variousy1884v5-March+p55
[advertisement for The Secret Doctrine by HPB]anony1884v5-March+p56
Occult Studya Lay Chelay1884v5-Marchp131
The High Water Mark of Modern Philosophyanon (HPB)y1884v5-Marchp131
A British Thinker on the Theosophistanon (HPB)y1884v5-Marchp133
Showing 2651 to 2700 of 26591 entries