The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Blavatsky Lodge

The Theosophist

The Best Food for Man (3)Mrs Kingsfordy1884v5-Marchp134
Exoteric Christianity in Americaanony1884v5-Marchp135
Three Unpublished Essays by Eliphas LeviEd. (HPB)y1884v5-Marchp136
Post-mortem visitorsanony1884v5-Marchp136
Essay (I) - The EggregoresEliphas Leviy1884v5-Marchp136
A New Troyanony1884v5-Marchp137
Post-mortem Rise of Temperature (3)Leopold Salzery1884v5-Marchp138
Medical Magnetism & the Healer Magnetic (4)Seeta Nath Ghosey1884v5-Marchp139
Answers to Correspondentsvariousy1884v5-Marchp141
On PrayerKCMy1884v5-Marchp142
reply to JKOA Humble Chela of a Great Mastery1884v5-Marchp142
reply to KCMDamodar K Mavalankary1884v5-Marchp142
Ltte - A Question to the author of Morality & PantheismJKOy1884v5-Marchp142
A Needed DefinitionOMy1884v5-Marchp142
Idol WorshipA. Yalpanamy1884v5-Marchp143
Theosophy - What it isR Ragoonath Rowy1884v5-Marchp143
Esoteric ChristianityDM Strongy1884v5-Marchp143
Dear Mr Editor [re Hindu idol worship]BFXy1884v5-Marchp143
review - La Linguistique Devoilee (1) (Linguistics Unveiled) by ML Levy BingEriopolesy1884v5-Marchp144
review - Physiological Cruelty or "Fact & Fancy" by PhilanthroposSatya Kama Sharmay1884v5-Marchp145
review - The Philosophy & Science of Vedantic Raja Yoga ed by Siris Chandra VasuDamodar K Mavalankary1884v5-Marchp146
[Excerpt from the Alpha, an Asian journal, a short introduction to theosophy]anony1884v5-Marchp147
Psychometryanon (HPB)y1884v5-Marchp147
My Dear Mrs Winslow [the Rochester Branch of the New York TS & its aims]JH Cablesy1884v5-Marchp147
Living Vampires & the Vampirism of the Grave in our Social Institutions (1)Dr Fortiny1884v5-Marchp148
Editor's Note to "Drama of the Latter Days"(HPB)y1884v5-Marchp149
Drama of the latter days - A Suggestionanon English authory1884v5-Marchp149
Wart-CharmingHenry G Atkinsony1884v5-Marchp151
Is Man the Highest Animal?CS Minoty1884v5-Marchp152
A South Indian YoginiABy1884v5-Marchp153
Mystic Lore - The Nilgiri SannyasisEH Morgany1884v5-Marchp153
[HPB left for Marseilles, France; T Subba Row to manage the Theosophist]anony1884v5-Marchp154
[MM Chatterji left for Europe with HS Olcott; the latter appoints executive committee to rule in his absence]anony1884v5-Marchp154
[more subscribers to SD by HPB needed to warrant its publication]anony1884v5-Marchp154
Journal of the Theosophical Society #4 April 1, 1884 - Table of Contentsanony1884v5-April+p57
The Constitution of Man(the American Spiritualist)y1884v5-April+p58
Resume of Researches in Occultism by an American Spiritualistanony1884v5-April+p58
Man's Progressanony1884v5-April+p59
Unpublished Writings of Eliphas Levi (III) What is Necessary to Become InitiatedEliphas Levi (1810-1875)y1884v5-April+p60
Letter - Mr Niblett & the "Epiphany"H Nibletty1884v5-April+p62
(three notes to Mr Niblett)Ed.y1884v5-April+p63
(note to Mr Niblett)DKMy1884v5-April+p63
Practical Work for TheosophistsRaj Coomar Royy1884v5-April+p63
(Comment on "Practical Work for Theosophists")HP Blavatskyy1884v5-April+p63
A Canon Occultistanony1884v5-April+p63
A Canon Occultist [extracts from a letter]anony1884v5-April+p63
"Phenomena""A Student"y1884v5-April+p64
Note (to "A Student")DKMy1884v5-April+p65
Phenomenal (I)AB (? F Hartmann)y1884v5-April+p65
Showing 2701 to 2750 of 26591 entries