The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Blavatsky Lodge


review: 'Tao the Way of Ways' by Herrymon MaurerBrian Flemingy1986-i4Autumnp28
review: 'Our Last Adventure: A Commonsense Guide to Death and After' by E Lester SmithBrian Flemingy1986-i4Autumnp28
review: 'Death and Dying: The Tibetan Tradition' by Glenn H MullinCharles Raey1986-i4Autumnp29
review: 'The Wonder of Being Human: Our Brain and Our Mind' by John Eccles and David N RobinsonCharles Raey1986-i4Autumnp29
review: 'The Prediction Book of Amulets and Talismans' by Jo LoganBrian O Brieny1986-i4Autumnp30
EditorialBrian Flemingy1987-i5Springp2
Biographical Notes on the Life of Michael Scot [reprint Transactions of the Glasgow Biographical Society]John Fergusony1987-i5Springp3
Extracts from the Presidential AddressRadha Burniery1987-i5Springp9
From 64 Comments on Change: A Work in ProgressGerald Loosey1987-i5Springp13
The Alchemical Vessel as Symbol of the SoulAdam McLeany1987-i5Springp15
review: 'The Real HP Blavatsky' by William KingslandAlan Seniory1987-i5Springp21
review: 'Into Every Life A Little Zen Must Fall' by Alan KeightleyJim Tweediey1987-i5Springp21
review: 'Buddhism, World Peace and Nuclear War' by SangharakshitaJim Tweediey1987-i5Springp21
review: 'In Praise of Tara' by Martin WillsonJim Tweediey1987-i5Springp22
review: 'Karma and Destiny in the I Ching' by Guy Damian-KnightBrian Flemingy1987-i5Springp22
review: 'Medicinal Plants in Tropical West Africa' by Bep Oliver-BeverRuth Chappelly1987-i5Springp22
review: 'Meaningful to Behold' by Geshe Kelsang GyatsoJim Tweediey1987-i5Springp22
review: 'The Sayings of the Ancient One' by PG BowenAlan Seniory1987-i5Springp24
review: 'The Philosophy of Magic' by Arthur VersluisCharles Raey1987-i5Springp24
EditorialBrian Flemingy1987-i6Autumnp2
Madame Blavatsky: The 'Veiled Years'Paul Johnstony1987-i6Autumnp3
I Ching - Classic of ChangeBrian Flemingy1987-i6Autumnp10
Therapeutic Touch: Searching for Evidence of Physiological Change [reprint from 'The Theosophical Research Journal']Dolores Krieger, Erik Peper and Sonia Ancoliy1987-i6Autumnp12
The Journey of Thomas the RhymerDianne K Kynastony1987-i6Autumnp17
The Celtic Religious FestivalsAlan Seniory1987-i6Autumnp24
review: 'Principles and Practices of Radiesthesia' by Abbe MermetAlistair Patersony1987-i6Autumnp26
review: 'Z'ev Ben Shiman Halevi' by The AnointedCharles Raey1987-i6Autumnp26
review: 'The Jewel in the Lotus' edited by Stephen BatchelorJim Tweediey1987-i6Autumnp26
review: 'PD Ouspensky: A Further Record'Charles Raey1987-i6Autumnp27
review: 'Cyclic Evolution: A Theosophical View' by Adam WarcupAlistair Patersony1987-i6Autumnp27
review: 'Alternative Traditions' by SangharakshitaJim Tweediey1987-i6Autumnp27
review: 'Meister Eckhart: Sermons and Treatises'Charles Raey1987-i6Autumnp28
review: 'Beyond Therapy' ed by Guy ClaxtonJim Tweediey1987-i6Autumnp29
review: 'The Gospel of Thomas' Hugh McGregor RossCharles Raey1987-i6Autumnp29
review: 'Jung's Psychology and Tibetan Buddhism' by Radmila MoacarinJim Tweediey1987-i6Autumnp29
EditorialBrian Flemingy1988-i7Springp2
Stones for All SeasonsMalcolm MacQueeny1988-i7Springp3
Some Thoughts on MeditationBrian Flemingy1988-i7Springp6
Collecting ColtsfootMalcolm MacQueeny1988-i7Springp8
Talking With AngelsMorelle Smithy1988-i7Springp9
Giorgio de Chirico 1888-1978Jim Tweediey1988-i7Springp12
The Centenary of the Publication of 'The Secret Doctrine'Margaret Seniory1988-i7Springp15
Reincarnation: From 'The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries'WY Evans-Wentzy1988-i7Springp17
review: 'The Puppet Master' by Liz GreeneAnne Whitakery1988-i7Springp23
review: 'The Way and Its Power' by Arthur WaleyBrian Flemingy1988-i7Springp23
review: 'Thus Have I Heard' translated by Maurice WalsheJim Tweediey1988-i7Springp24
review: 'The Sufism of Rumi' by K KhoslaStuart Barriey1988-i7Springp24
review: 'Tongues of Fire: An Anthology of Religious and Poetic Experience' edited by Karen ArmstrongBrian Flemingy1988-i7Springp25
Showing 101 to 150 of 369 entries