The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Blavatsky Lodge


review: 'Working With Dreams' by Montague Ullman and Nan ZimmermanStuart Barriey1988-i7Springp25
review: 'The Golden Dawn and The Esoteric Section' by RA GilbertAlan Seniory1988-i7Springp25
review: 'Rebirth and the Western Buddhist' Martin WillsonJim Tweediey1988-i7Springp26
review: 'What is Enlightenment?' edited by John WhiteJim Tweediey1988-i7Springp26
review: 'Jesus Lived in India' by Holger KerstenStuart Barriey1988-i7Springp26
EditorialBrian Flemingy1988-i8Autumnp2
The Clarsach: The Celtic HarpChristian Murray Fishery1988-i8Autumnp3
Eitgal (vf)Gerry Loosey1988-i8Autumnp8
The I Ching on Skellig MichaelBrian Flemingy1988-i8Autumnp17
Morphogenetic Fields and AkashaRupert Sheldrake, D Kunz, R Weber, W Ross, RH Hannony1988-i8Autumnp23
review: 'Awakening the Mind of Enlightenment' Geshe Namgyal WangchenJim Tweediey1988-i8Autumnp34
review: 'The Ring of the Way' by Taiser DeshimaruJim Tweediey1988-i8Autumnp34
review: 'Alchemy' by Titus BurckhardtAlistair Patersony1988-i8Autumnp34
review: 'Being Nobody, Going Nowhere' by Ayya KhemaJim Tweediey1988-i8Autumnp34
review: 'The Intimate and the Ultimate' by Vinoba BhaveAlistair Patersony1988-i8Autumnp35
review: 'Sibyls and Sibylline Prophecy in Classical Antiquity' by HW ParkeBrian Flemingy1988-i8Autumnp35
review: 'Introduction to Tantra' by Lama YesheJim Tweediey1988-i8Autumnp35
review: 'Galileo: Heretic' by Pietro RedondiBrian Flemingy1988-i8Autumnp35
EditorialBrian Flemingy1989-i9Springp2
Psycho-Endocrinology and the Yoga ParadigmEric Leskowitzy1989-i9Springp3
The Canon of Great MysteryBrian Flemingy1989-i9Springp11
Crystal EnergyAnn Santosy1989-i9Springp14
Occultism in Sir Walter Scott [adapted from 'The Theosophical Review' July 1926]Annie Macdonald Clarky1989-i9Springp17
Ken Palmer: From Glasgow to the Borders of the ImaginationJim Tweediey1989-i9Springp24
review: 'The Meaning of Illness' edited by Mark Kidel and Susan RoweleeteAlistair Patersony1989-i9Springp30
review: 'Unitive Thinking' by Tom McArthurAlistair Patersony1989-i9Springp30
review: 'Shifting Worlds, Changing Minds' by Jeremy HaywardJim Tweediey1989-i9Springp31
review: 'The Healing of the Gods' by Peter LemesurierAlistair Patersony1989-i9Springp31
review: 'The Descent of the Gods' by George Russell - AEAlistair Patersony1989-i9Springp31
review: 'Sufi Symbolism' by Javad Nurbakhsh KhaniqahiStuart Barriey1989-i9Springp31
EditorialBrian Flemingy1989-i10Autumnp2
The White World InterviewKenneth White, Alistair Patersony1989-i10Autumnp3
Mountain Study (vf)anony1989-i10Autumnp11
Building BridgesMargaret Seniory1989-i10Autumnp13
Brotherhood as Taught by Robert BurnsWD Fishery1989-i10Autumnp15
The Interconnections Between the Holographic Model and the Esoteric Traditions of East-West Philosophy [reprint from 'The Theosophical Research Journal']Renee Webery1989-i10Autumnp19
EditorialBrian Flemingy1990-i11Springp2
The QabbalahF Langfield Sawkinsy1990-i11Springp3
KabbalahWarren Kentony1990-i11Springp15
Qabalistic Questions and AnswersA MacQueeny1990-i11Springp21
The Tree of Life Basis of Superstring TheoryStephen M Phillipsy1990-i11Springp23
EditorialBrian Flemingy1990-i12Autumnp2
Science and the Mystery of Silence [reprint from 'The Theosophical Research Journal']Ravi Ravindray1990-i12Autumnp3
Highland Second SightC Nelson Stewarty1990-i12Autumnp13
Transformation - The SolutionJoy Millsy1990-i12Autumnp22
Showing 151 to 200 of 369 entries